Tommy Lee Posts About Fight With Son

This escalated quickly. Tommy Lee and his son Brandon apparently got into a scuffle... and it looks like Brandon was defending himself. Then Tommy lashed out on social media and attacked his own kid, which is just insane. Of course, Pamela Anderson was questioned about the mess and said she'd "Never speak to Tommy again until he's sober."
I hope Tommy Lee does get sober. It's interesting if he's spiraling out of control now. He was seemingly together and happy on Valentine's Day when he proposed to his new love. Plus he's recently been in New Orleans with Nikki Sixx working on The Dirt movie.
Looks like Tommy got emotional overnight and explained some things - these words are the reason for today's post:
Reader Comments (9)
So yeah, I'm team Pam.
>I don’t know if you’re joking or not but for your sake I hope you are<
At least two members of the hallowed MC have shown themselves to be sketchy, at best, when it comes to interacting with other humans . . . be they family, friends, or strangers. Both seem preternaturally hard-wired to tank any goodwill they have earned over the course of their lives. Hint: TL is one of them.
I agree with GNR, though. It sucks that this sort of thing is now projected out to each and every corner of the internet, subject to any and all sorts of commentary. But, as I said initially, our thoughts on the matter don't do much relative to any of the pain those involved feel or don't feel.
If anything, seeking validation from a horde of anonymous keyboard slammers points to deeper, even sadder, issues at play. When TMZ, Twitter, and Facebook becomes a pulpit from which to pronounce your innocence or plead your case, it suggests a problem with they very thing you think you are doing: communicating. If that was the case, though, you wouldn't need the social media filter as a gauge of how well you are doing or how justified you are in casting aspersions.
So, yeah, like Rita said . . . sad.
Are you geo-tracking him, Gary? Sorta' like NORAD does with another jolly fellow around the holidays?
The not so funny thing is, I think you are also correct about the laughing. People who engage in this sort of behavior also often demonstrate a startling lack of empathy. When it involves them? Scream to the rafters demanding justice and fairness. When it is another person? Who cares? Not my problem.