Undercover Slut

Across the pond and add a few miles, and you’ll find Undercover Slut, a horror-glam-industrial outfit, lead by the witty vocalist “O” no last name necessary. The mighty “O” remains the constant force behind a band that’s had more member changes than Bang Tango. “O” might be too smart for his own good: he’s a strict vegetarian, avoids leathers and fur, and has opinions worthy of a political career. “O” opened up about Undercover Slut, his native France and George W. Bush. Transcription follows.
Bring Back Glam!: How did Undercover Slut form?
'O': I did form Undercover Slut over here in Gay Paris, France back in October 1995. My intention was and still is, to fuck things up, provoking extreme reactions with our image, vision, slogans, attitude. Making people think for themselves being a pleasant reward!
BBG: Describe your sound.
'O': The Undercover Slut sound is a lethal “Kulture shoK,” capital K's! Gibson guitars fornicating with ProTools attacked by scandalous lyrics coming from the voice of yours truly!
BBG: How are you influenced by 80s era glam bands?
'O' : To be honest with you, I am way more into what was going on in the 70's and in the 90's that in the 80's or nowadays. Those decades were way more subversive, that's what caught my short attention span! The Crüe/Kery Doll/Hanoï (Rocks) were badass as well as other 80's bands. Most 80's bands I fuckin' can't stand them. It's all about cycles, styles are coming and going and coming back and so on.
BBG: I'm a vegetarian. I notice you have a lot of animal rights messages on your MySpace page. What sparked your interest in animal rights?
'O': Mainly a very strong disgust in the way animals are treated by humans. That's where [it] all started from!
BBG: Does your passion for animal equality cross over into your songwriting?
'O': Remember those "Sixty Silent Seconds To Repent For Your Animal Genocide" on our Communism Is Fascism album? There is also "Meat Is Another Fucking Euphemism For Murder" on our White Whore Era E.P.
BBG: Is there a growing horror glam scene in your native France?
'O': No! The only thing that grows in France is hate between citizens and general stupidity here and there.
BBG: Do you have a new label deal?
'O': Not yet! But we'll have one soon enough.
BBG: Are you looking for international distribution of your album?
'O': All serious offers and suggestions are actually more than welcome. Please e-mail Offensive Records: offensiverecords@aol.com.
BBG: How did you pick your interesting stage names?
'O': Mine is my own initial. I give a list of aliases to my band members and they pick up those they feel most comfortable with.
BBG: How do you define the "White Whore" era?
'O': Mainly a black and white imagery based on multicolored tensions. The White Whore era is symbolized by a white cross who won a war over a dying suffering upside down red star.
BBG: The band sells a shirt that says "Don't Fuck with Iran!" I assume this is more political than musical. How do you work politics into your songs, and what do you think of America?
'O': Our "Don't fuck with Iran!" T-shirt is somehow related to that famous "Don't mess with Texas!" shirt. It is somehow a “pisstake” on that slogan. Hope it won't be a prophecy shirt though. I know quite a lot of people in America, some are happy to have George W. as their president and some hate him. Everyone is entitled to its own viewpoint. George W. is not my president; I have nothing good or bad to say about him. Most French should do the same about him and shut the fuck up! What's going on between the U.S. and Iraq is none of France's business as far as I am concerned.
Regarding Amerikkka -- as I like to spell it -- I fuckin' love it! In general, you all have way more attitude than most people I have to deal with over here on a daily basis.
For more information, check out www.myspace.com/undercoverslut.
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