Big Brother's Glam Connection

What does this have to do with glam? This season, a whole lot.
One of the cast members - Dick - is a former prolific poster on Metal Sludge. If you've never watched Big Brother, you should know the seasons all contain special twists. This year, Dick is one of the twists: his estranged daughter is in the house with him. Apparently they hate each other. This makes for great television. Posters on Metal Sludge are talking about "Evil Dick" right now.
Check out the conversation here.
In addiction to Dick - who looks and acts like Tommy Lee - the theme is Malice in Wonderland. This is also the name of a Norway-based glam band.
Coincidence? I think not.
Watch this video: Malice in Wonderland "Lucifer's Town."
Reader Comments (2)
And As A Plus He Looks Like My Fave Rockstar Tommy Lee
And I Am Proud To Be Called A DICK From Now On