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Van Halen Tour 2010

Yesterday, Pollstar reported that Van Halen will hit the road again in 2010. My first reaction was... "Say what?"

Isn't it a little premature for VH to hit the road again? I mean, they just toured - for a long time. They made a ton of cash! I thought this "break" was so Eddie and the rest could record a new album? This mythical new album would feature Wolfgang Van Halen on bass. Because of this lineup switch, I was definitely looking forward to new material. I love Michael Anthony. I think having him back is the only way to have "real" Van Halen...but hearing a new perspective from Wolfgang is cool too.

Maybe it's just me, but I think it's a little greedy for VH to hit the road again without a new record. Maybe a new record will happen and it just hasn't been announced. I dunno. I can't see myself spending another $200 a ticket for the same show I saw not so long ago - twice. 

What do you think? Does VH need a new album to tour? Will you be first in line for tickets?

Reader Comments (26)

oh yeah i would sleep out in a sleeping bag in the pouring rain while rabid dogs surrounded me for those tickets
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercrüe düde
I saw the reunion tour. I had tears in my eyes, because I never thought I would see Dave back with Eddie. But there are only 2 ways I would go see them again: 1) They have a new record out and are playing new songs in the set; or 2) They are playing a different set of classics than the last time (or maybe an album in its entirety, ala Crue, Priest, Aerosmith).

I'm fed up with all the tours sans a new record. I can't stand to sit through another Poison concert with all the same songs, and Poison is my favorite band. I have to have some new music, or at least some different old music played at the shows.
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJT
I was very glad to get to see the semi original line up ( I think it's crime what they did to MA ). However, I wouldn't bother seeing them again if they just did the same tour, or even if they changed it much, b/c they only have so many songs that were singles up to 1984, and they did them all that night. If they had a new album, I know they'd still do mostly the same songs, but they need to convince me they are legit, and not just a work experience project for Wolfgang, before I shell out on seeing them again.
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristian
I"m not a huge Van Halen fan so I really shouldn't comment, but touring to me without new material is just a cash grab specially if you hit the same markets. Even the bands mentioned above might be playing albums top to bottom, but they do have new material. Both Crue and Priest came out with albums in the last three years so fans got to see something new. VH is as Angus Young called them... a Pop band so I guess this conversation doesn't matter.
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJB
I loved the Dave reunion show, but no, I wouldn't go without new/different tunes. One of the things that made the Sammy reunion show awesome was "It's About Time" and "Up for Breakfast". Ya, it was only two new new songs, but they are awesome friggin songs!!!
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpapa_rocker
Without a new album, there should be no tour. Live Daily reported that they were rehearsing different songs (Drop Dead Legs was mentioned), but no mention of a new album. If there is no new album, this is just another money making project and another way to rip off the fans.

They should also think about performing Can't Get This Stuff No More and Me Wise Magic (from Greatest Hits). Those songs and a new album would definitely make me buy tickets.

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRyoVie
GREED! you can say that again! let's talk about the news of their deal with brokers and TM on the last tour.....
This was the greatest band of all time in my opinion, and I'll never deny Eddie as the greatest guitarist of all time (again, imo), but this band is DEAD to me! After the incident with them giving MIkey the boot, and then news of this ticket scam and having such a disregard to their loyal fans, I'll never support them again! I saw the tour in 2007, I thought Eddie looked and sounded great, I thought DLR looked and sounded great but he's a clown. NO, I never saw DLR back in his prime so I don't have anything to compare it too. Didn't they also have Wolfie re-record Mikey's bass tracks for the Guitar Hero VH version? It kills me to say it but WHO CARES what the F this band does anymore!
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkari
what ever happened to the Van Halen/GnR stadium tour this past summer? summer is over, and no tour ...
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergerry g
As long as they come to Europe this time.
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterstuff
who goes to see a classic rock concert hoping to hear new tunes? isn't that when people go take a piss or buy a beer? of course i will be there. Its Van Halen
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwill
What do I think? Surprise, I agree with you. The only way to have real Van Halen is with Michael Anthony playing bass, and singing. Don't forget how much his backing vocals contributed to the best Van Halen songs.

Does VH need a new album to tour? Yes

Will you be first in line for tickets? Nope
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean
I enjoyed the last tour when they came to Detroit. It was great to see VH with DLR perform. I did feel cheated about Michael Anthony though, he is the real bass player. Without a new album, I think its hard to justify dropping a ton on tix (and another stupid amount on Ticketmaster fees - the thing that really pisses me off).
September 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBob
all you people are so stupid! if you like the band why are you talking shit about there greed and what not. And plus if it were for money wouldn't you think they would of toured back in the late 90s and early 00s. And plus i would love to see them anyday anytime anywhere so if your a true fan dont talk shit
October 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentera true VH fan
i hope they come this time to Belgium it is about time , the first time with Dave . I saw 2 shows in Gent and Werchter the conclusion is what is understood does not need to be discussed so hopefully see yoy soon live at small Belgium
November 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commentervh all the way
I took my 15 year old son to the latest VH concert to show him some real guitar talent. I was actually not expecting a very good show but was blown away along with my son. It took me right back to my childhood. Hell yeah. I will pay out the butt to see them again. Who cares about a new album. This is not why I would go see them anyway. I would go for the classics
November 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersmoking Joe
Are you all out of your minds?! It's Van Halen! Any new material would be crap, it would only lessen my appreciation for their music. Let's face it, Van Halen is really a party band. I still love it though. But let's be real, they are classics. They don't need new stuff. I hope the play the same old stuff. They don't need to change with the times. Keep the 80's alive, my friends!
November 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBarb Dwyer
HELLLLL YES THEY NEED A NEW TOUR! i would personally see them again! I saw them in april 2008 at dallas and i would chop off my left leg to see them again! WOOT WOOT SIGN ME UP FOR A TICKET!
November 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter:)
Hey Guys. waht can we feel in buenos aires, VH only was here in 1982, and never ever come back. DLR wasnt when we record sonrisa salvaje in spanish . . ..
December 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergustavo
i would kill somebody for those tickets! i saw their last tour and they were amazing! i wish i had better seats but thats ok because eddie still kicks ass. i wouldn't care if they did the same show because it was a great show and i have been sitting and waiting for them to come back tour so its about damn time!
February 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterricky bobby
i think that if your a real fan you would shut the hell up and go see van halen who cares about micheal. yes, he was a great bass player but wolfie is great! and if you think about its a van halen family now which kicks ass. why would you complain about a band that is still kicking ass?? maybe they decided to do this tour because the fans were really good to them? and if they make a album then thats great but i would pay big bucks to see them EVERY year if i could. van halen still rocks and fans like me dont care what you non-rockers have to say! 5150 all the way baby!!
February 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commentereddie is god

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