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Quiet Riot Returns – Your Opinions?

So drummer Frankie Banali has announced plans to resurrect Quiet Riot.  This after saying Quiet Riot was done forever after the surprising death of singer Kevin DuBrow.  Interestingly, the singer is unknown – which sort of makes me wonder why Frankie just didn’t form a new band but whatever. I guess he figures it will be easier to make some bucks using the Quiet Riot name. I don’t believe in the term scab. That’s not fair to anyone involved. Fair or otherwise, the singer is most usually the focal point of any band. With Quiet Riot, Kevin was definitely the star. I’m conflicted.

Here’s some of the official press release about the announcement:

After the tragic passing of co-founding Quiet Riot singer Kevin DuBrow in 2007, many figured that the band was over. But while going through the vaults of vintage video material for an upcoming documentary of the band's history, the spark was reignited once more for drummer Frankie Banali to kick Quiet Riot back in gear. The easy part was filling the guitar and bass slots — as former members Chuck Wright (bass) and Alex Grossi (guitar) promptly signed on. However, having to fill DuBrow's large shoes was no small task.

A longtime fan of heavy metal, singer Mark Huff came to Banali's attention while fronting a California-based Van Halen tribute band (that focused on the "Sammy Hagar era"). A true Cinderella story, Huff auditioned via a cattle call audition, promptly blew Banali away, and got the gig. After getting the blessing from DuBrow's mother to carry on with Quiet Riot (and to celebrate her son's music), the group was ready to rock once more.

Okay. So this Mark Huff impressed Banali. But do we want to hear a new singer in the Quiet Riot spot? As we all know, it is near impossible to replace a lead singer. Sure Van Halen did it (for awhile at least). It seems to be working for Alice in Chains. Skid Row continues to plod along…but Quiet Riot? I don’t know. It’s one thing to replace a singer that quit or was fired. It’s another to replace someone who died…out of the blue…and out of the band’s zenith.

I’m sure this means Quiet Riot 2.0 will be booked at all the Glam fests next summer. M3 anyone?

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Naturally, Quiet Riot is embarking on a tour…you know, like, soon. The dates haven’t been announced, but when they are, I’ll post here.

Gotta admit, this one shocked me.

Hear a sample track with Mark Huff on vocals. Thoughts?


Reader Comments (24)

I think this is a great thing. I think the new singer sounds amazing! Is he Kevin? Well no, but he's got a great sound and much better than I expected, and I also agree with Gary, his style and tone are closer to Kevin than I expected.

I think these guys are going to kick butt on the road and look forward to seeing them live.

Also, for the haters, can't you guys spread that elsewhere? These guys are just trying to make a living like everyone else in the world. How would you like it if someone came to your place of business and asked you to quit if one of your co-workers died? That's about how ridiculous your posts sound, so have some f'ing respect and give them a chance instead of instantly hating the idea!

I praise Banali for going the distance to revive a comeback for QR fans after his very difficult loss of a friend and when they play live, I'm there!!!
September 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPatrick
If Kevin was alive, I don't think I would like it. However, he's gone and this is the next best thing. Would rather see this any day over a local tribute act. I would like to see this version of QR record a new cd as well. I look at it as another interesting chapter in the bands long history.
September 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRocker
that's just wrong. wrong. kevin, rip. banali, give it up.
October 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjeff
Do the Shortino-fronted QR or leave it alone. This is as bad as Thin Lizzy without Lynott.
January 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJim

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