Sunday's Best: Week 52, 2022

Well, here we are: It's Christmas day and we're at the last week of the year. Soon we will be watching the ball drop in Times Square and 2023 will be foisted upon us. For now, I hope you have a Merry Christmas. If the holiday isn't your thing or you are spending the day alone, I wish you a quiet and restful Sunday.
Here's a cover of "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by From Ashes To New. The video made me chuckle and I felt like I was in Hot Topic while listening to it. And yes, it's definitely better than the original Mariah Carey classic - I can't take her version any more!
From Ashes To New

Reader Comments (1)
To you, Allyson, our ever intrepid fearless leader in our ongoing battle to always be pushing forward to Bring Back Glam! …
And to all the BBG! Commenters, thank you for those great comments! … Your thoughtful insights and information about bands, etc., keep the Glam Metal world spinning!
… Have a belated Merry Metal Christmas and a Rockin’ New Year!