Feeling Nostalgic Today

I've been working on cleaning up / purging out items I no longer need and was going through some old music memorabilia. Just things that no one else would care about really but the items still made me smile. Basically, it all took me back to high school and since I'm old, that meant a time when everyone wasn't tied to a cell phone. Ok, so I'm not so old. I did have a cell phone when I got my license at 16, but it was that big kind of phone that was expensive and you kept in the car for an emergency or something. Like, my dad warned me "Never use this unless there is a wreck or something."
By the time I hit college as an undergrad, I had "upgraded" to a small phone that was so crappy you couldn't hear to talk through it and of course texting wasn't really a thing yet either. I never had the phone on me half the time either. (I finished graduate school two years before the iPhone was even invented, so there's that, too!)
So anyway, seeing the photo below pop into my Facebook feed made me smile and remember the way things used to be: being broke but having fun, sitting around and listening to music and driving for no purpose on warm days. Life really was simpler as a kid (er, teen).
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