Motley Crue, 'Dogs of War' -- New Song Released

Well, the new Motley Crue track "Dogs of War" is here. It's about what I expected. No, it doesn't sound like Dr. Feelgood-era Crue. Maybe more like Brides of Destruction?
I could do without Vince Neil repeating the word "bastard" so many times, but whatever. I don't hear a lot of John 5 fancy guitar work here. The drums are definitely Tommy Lee.
I guess my reaction is mixed. I need to listen a few more times. I'm sure it will grow on me as most songs do in time. Thoughts?
Official band post with actual video (10:00 AM ET):
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Reader Comments (3)
Not impressed. Just doesn’t sound like the Crüe to me. And you know I hate to admit that!
And, Stu, respectfully, when were MC know for nuance? Just saying. They have been coasting on a legacy that, with some squinting, stopped two or so decades ago. You are actually giving them more credit than they deserve when you call this basic. Basic is the first album. Basic-plus-one is SatD. I guess I am thinking here of "back to basics." So perhaps I am not reading you right. And, while I am not "totally unimpressed," I haven't been for quite some time.
Here's the thing though (hear me out): try to imagine this song being sung by Corabi. I am not kidding or trying to start some sort of flame-a-thon. Just saying. If you get passed some of the "let's make a heavier sounding 'Saints of Los Angeles', just with equally insipid lyrics and some odd techno-ish stuff going on in the background" things, this song sounds like Sixx was reaching back into those horrible days when he had a singer who couldn't write lyrics and was a thorn in his side (see below for more on that).
And, yes, the guitars--which sound just fine, though he really needs to stop with all the noodling--don't recall the Mars-era back in the good old days. And, yes, they are smart to have Neil whisper/talking in all the right places so as to fit his, um, range? Tommy, doing the Tommy thing, like Caveman from the Muppets . . . but without the impulse control. The only rumor I heard was that they actually had Gene Simmons do the bass. Could it be? Nah.
So, I hear less Brides and more Primal Scream/Uncle Jack-era, with some debits due to time, age, and all the rest (no less the technological fiddling that obviously took place to make the rough sound sweet). And, if my thinking is right (and it likely ain't), the one thing they are also missing is a lyricist (not saying who I am thinking of, though I already wrote his name above) who could add just a touch more 'heft' to the tale being told. I mean, if you are going to go out and back in (and then, maybe, just maybe, out again . . . for good) on top, you gotta' commit, guys!
The video? A stupid fever dream of Lee's Id spooning Sixx's Ego while Neil and 5 wait for the checks to clear. Where are they waiting? Likely in the boys room of Brownsville Station (I hear the hills near there have eyes). What time is it there right now? Thank goodness, not 6:00 am!!!
Okay. I am out. Hope everyone is well. And, again, Bkallday, I appreciate your honest take.