A Tasty Tidbit

A very reliable source into Bring Back Glam! reports seeing Jani Lane and the rest of Warrant (without current lead singer Jamie St. James) at the Rainbow Bar and Grill (Los Angeles) last week. Was I there? No. Do I believe the person who gave me this-oh-so-delicious-nugget? Absolutely.
Another industry insider tells me Jani is going to be back with Warrant in time for Rocklahoma 2008. It seems the original Warrant boys are also keen to keep this reconciliation hush-hush from Jamie St. James. I'm not sure that's even plausible.
Of course, there are two over-arching questions here. First, what happens to Jamie St. James and second, what happened to bring "Warrant" back together?
If Jamie St. James is out of Warrant, does this mean a Black n' Blue reunion is in the works?
A lot of bands are reuniting these days. Part of me wonders if it's just to cash in on the excitement of Rocklahoma...or the chance to play in front of a massive crowd. Of course, I tend to believe that the genre is regaining popularity. It's pretty clear there are millions of like-minded fans all over the globe. This collective mind is clamoring for a taste of the old -- and the new.
So, what do you think about Jani Lane possibly rejoining Warrant?
As you ponder that question, here's a classic clip of Warrant performing at Gazzarri's on the Sunset Strip. You'll notice members of Faster Pussycat and Poison also join the band on stage. It's a sweaty good time!
Reader Comments (12)
It's a cash grab for Warrant, they'll get on a major tour (Poison) and make some money. Been there, done that. Saw them open for Poison a few summers ago and they sucked! Let's see how long it takes Jani to fall off the wagon again and cause a break-up.
As far as a Black'n Blue reunion, they are doing a one-off charity gig in Portland, oregon for a member of their roadcrew who has cancer. With Tommy making good $$$ in KISS, it will never happen unless he does what Eric Singer does.
Heavy Metal Addiction
If Black N Blue comes back as a result of this, then it would be cool. I don't think Warrant should give Jamie the shaft though.
It also makes me wonder what will happen with Jani's current guitarist Dario Lorina . That kid rocks!
Rob Rockitt