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Breaking News: L.A. Guns Ripped Off

pauljeremy_wm.JPGMy boys L.A. Guns (Paul Black, Tracii Guns version) are currently on a mini tour. Last night the band played McGuffy's in Dayton, Ohio. As expected, the show was high energy with Tracii dazzling the crowd. What wasn't so dazzling was that the band was ripped off.

Right after the band played "Electric Gypsy" they left the stage to presumably prepare for their encore. Just as Paul Black started to introduce the band, drummer Chad Stewart took center stage...and announced that someone had stolen wallets and cash. Confusion ensued, with audience members looking around and security trying to, evidently, "catch the thief (or thieves)."

It seems the theft occured while the band was performing.  

Upon Chad's demands, the doors to McGuffy's were locked and no one entered or left. Then, more confusion as band members walked from the dressing room (where they had left their wallets and other personal items) across the stage, through the bar. Singer Paul Black looked hurt as did bassist Jeremy Guns. As for guitarist Tracii...well, you could tell he was ready to put the smack down.

There was a scuffle at the back of the bar (not so far from where I was standing) and then later a page for the owner of a red pick-up truck. Riverside, Ohio police responded...the audience members were allowed to leave and the bar closed early. On our way out, cops said they had "everything they needed in back of the bar." To me, this means they captured the low-life scum that tried to steal from a glam band, working hard to make a living. I don't suffer fools or thieves and if I knew the person's identity...or had their mugshot, I'd post it here.

As for the concert itself, L.A. Guns were pretty great. Jeremy Guns plays with great intensity, but that's probably because he's lived with an amazing teacher all his life. Paul Black danced like a madman all over the stage, busting out moves like the Cabbage Patch and the Carlton. No lie. In addition to the petty theft, the bar was also having audio troubles and Paul's mic kept cutting in and out. He was good natured and went with the flow. Paul was dressed to the nines in glam finery, right down to the hyper-glitter eye shadow. Too bad I didn't have the one-on-one chat I had planned. Thanks again thieves.

Tracii Guns is amazing, isn't he? In my opinion, the best part of the show was his solo and just watching his fingers move up and down the fret board. He still plays like a madman, and it's pretty clear he's one of the best guitarists of the glam era. Still passionate about his craft, he even closes his eyes while getting into the groove. It's pretty clear it's Tracii's world and we're all just along for the ride.


L.A. Guns performed "Never Enough," "Sex Action," "One More Reason To Die," "Electric Gypsy," "The Ballad of Jayne" and many more. Every time I mention Paul Black and Tracii Guns' version of L.A. Guns, there are plenty of naysayers who are quick to comment on lack of talent. This isn't the case. See them live. You'll realize I'm right. Whatever the case, I'm sure you'll agree the band didn't deserve to be crime victims.

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Reader Comments (22)

It's cool watching these washups flopping around on dock gasping for air.
December 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJack Wad
wow, i don't think they are that bad. even if i have never actually heard paul black sing before. even if i had, i would still think phil lewis is much better. hes definatly one of my favortite singers. that sucks that they had their shit stolen. hope they got everything back.
December 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterChey
Sounds like another bad night in Ohio. There are a ton of lowlifes here.
With all things considered, sounds like a good show. I'm not that familiar with Paul Black, but have tickets to see them Tuesday in Whitby/Toronto.
December 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterStephen
Sorry but no matter how good of a guitarist Tracii Guns is, Paul Black is a HORRIBLE singer and this is NOT LA GUNS! I really hope the real LA Guns with Phil Lewis and Steve Riley. I really hope THEY are at Rocklahoma this year and not Tracii's Band (which to me sounds NOTHING like LA GUNS!). Sorry, just my opinion,
December 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKixRules
They caught the PoS that tried to rob LA Guns. The first band of the night, Malicious Intent f-ing kicked ass. As for the sound issues, the mic cord was bad or something. NBD. It was changed and the show went on without another issue...
December 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJohnnyV
Anyone know if Phil was in the building?
December 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCrabs
It was an awful way to end an otherwise amazing show. These guys perform with so much energy, and Tracii is awesome to watch. Paul Black is beyond entertaining. I haven't seen "dancing" like that in quite a while.

I think it's awful that the band's stuff wasn't protected in any way during the performance. Surely a lock on the dressing room door wouldn't be too much to ask for. As I'm not in a band, I don't know if this is unusual. Someone, help me out? Could something like this happen almost anywhere a band plays, or does McGuffy's lack security?
December 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
Well it seems there may have been a little "forgetfullness" in where the wallet actually was...I just read on MetalSludge that Chad may have left his wallet back at the hotel. If that's true there is SOME humor in it. We did have a hell of a fun night in Pittsburgh the night before with them. There wasn't a sober eye in the place after that show...cept for Paul Black who must not party any longer. What a great bunch of guys....
December 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSweet Lou.
I just wanted to say thanks for everyone's patients through all of this. The shitbag who took this stuff was less than 48 hours out of PRISION. Not jail. He was a convicted felon who had just been released.

By the way there was no mention of the fine riverside police nearly using non lethal force on Tracii for wanting to kick ol boy's ass out front. It nearly got ugly with Tracii ending up in a police cruser for disordaly conduct. They did release Tracii after all the drama was wrapped up.

Wild times at Mcguffys. If you love a train wreck Seven Mary Three will be there Dec.20th.
December 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTrans-Fusion Entertainment
Phill Lewis fans must go to the Blue Note Jan.24th in Cincinnati Oh. for that version of LA GUNS.
December 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTrans-Fusion Entertainment
So what DID happen??? Were wallets REALLY stolen?? Will Tracii be on the next episode of cops?? Did anyone get tazered???? <that would be cool. And lastly-what the hell is "nearly used non lethal force on Tracii"?????
December 8, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterthe insider

You'll note that I posted an update which explains a bottle of Jack Daniels and Blackberry phone were stolen. Despite what Chad said from the stage, the police report makes no mention of wallets.

A person was arrested. He does have a criminal record.
I do not believe anyone was tased. In the police report, the responding officer talks about a lot of people getting rowdy, and threatening arrest. My guess is "non lethal force" means physically separating people, but remember that was left as a COMMENT and not posted as part of my article or update.


December 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAllyson
What was reported on Metal Sludge was NOT yours. It said that wallets were stolen etc. YES there must have been something taken, such as a blackberry and a bottle of Jack. Have you SEEN the prices of these drinks???? Who's the real thief?? JUST KIDDING! maybe LMFAO!
December 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterThe Insider
Hey Insider,

What Metal Sludge article are you referencing? The one on the front door is attributed to me and links back here. I'm curious if there another report...

I know there were other Dayton people at the show that post on Sludge.

December 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAllyson
That front page link DOES give you the link to here, BUT there is some stuff (at this time I'm writing) that doesn't hold you accountable for misinformation. YOU have done a good job in your reporting.
December 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterThe Insider
There was a tazer pulled on Tracii but was not used. Chad's wallet was not taken, nuckle head left it at the hotel. He saw other shit gone and didnt remember leaving it at the hotel.
December 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTrans-Fusion Entertainment
I agree with whoever mentioned the riverside police, and the job they did. they did put Tracii in the cruiser but I'm pretty sure it was only done to keep him under control and cool, I was a former officer and can tell you that this is a common move in situations such as this, they done want to see the victim(s) get into trouble because of some moron, and they understood Tracii was pissed as he should have been, if you never been ripped off let me tell you something the feeling is horrible and you feel like you were violated, basically it sucks. Again kudos to the riverside police, they did a great job, and good thing they showed up as fast as they did cause I think this guy would have taken a severe ass beaten by alot of people.
December 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJaft
Well having spent half my life in those places I can tell you if you don't give it to your Tech. when you go on stage plan on losing it. Not the clubs fault it's just the lay of the land when it comes to playing these places.

Most clubs really do their best to keep the band's stuff safe.

I've toured with Tracii. You wouldn't want to Tase him, that'd just piss him off.
December 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBeen There, Done That
February 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterALEXX

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