Van Halen: Three Choices

In the summer 2007 edition (issue 108) of Classic Rock magazine, the editor's provide a tip sheet on buying Van Halen. Most every album the band has ever released is considered at least "good." The album to avoid - according to the editor's - is Van Halen III.
Here's a secret: I don't own Van Halen III, and I'm not certain I've even ever heard one track off this poorly rated album. Of course, this is the only Gary Cherone era release, and I suppose that speaks volumes right there.
Does anyone out there own Van Halen III? Would you leave me a comment and explain why it's either a good or bad release?
In the Classic Rock article, the editor's write "Gary Cherone was that wuss who sang in Extreme - wearing a leotard...Van Halen and Cherone were a disastrous mismatch, and produced just one album - that sold on 500,000 copies, when every other VH album had shifted at least two million. The reason is that Van Halen III stinks like a wet dog. Every song sucks, and Cherone sings them like a drowning man."
Wow. This is not a good review people. I did a little YouTube research, looking for some Cherone-era VH clips. Surprised, I found more than a few.
I'll be honest. I watched a few of the clips, and didn't seem that disheartened with Cherone. Yes, I like Extreme, but he doesn't sound like Extreme while standing next to Eddie Van Halen. In some respects, Cherone sounds like a poor woman's David Lee Roth.
I suppose this in itself is a little creepy.
So, let's compare. Here's Gary Cherone performing "Ain't Talkin' Bout Love" during Van Halen's 1998 world tour.
Now, here's Sammy Hagar performing the same song during a Van Halen tour stop. Judging by the clothes, this is a late 80s or early 90s tour.
Diamond David Lee Roth originally sang the lyrics to "Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love" for Van Halen's massively successful debut album, released way back in 1978. This clip is from the 1984 tour.
So, which is better? You decide.
Reader Comments (60)
I am an Extreme fan, but judging by the video of him with Van Halen, I don't think he fits with that band.
I personally like the Roth era the most, but I am also a fan of Hagar. Watching the videos, I think that Roth is the best showman, so I like that one the best. The Hagar one is good to though...
I also do not own 3. I had heard one track and it was so lackluster, I never bought the CD. I know a lot of people love Dave, but VH will always be Sammy to me.
I'd have said Diver Down is the one to avoid, it's half covers. Even Eddie said the record company forced them into that one. But, my two top picks would be the self titled debut, and F.U.C.K., I love that album.
I had front row seats for the '84 tour so this video was like a great memory for me (yeah I'm OLD).
I love your blog and am going to link here!
The problem with the Cherone era of the band wasn't Cherone, it was Eddie Van Halen. The reason Sammy left was due to clashes with Eddie, the reason the reunion with Dave ended before it started was because of Eddie, and the reason Gary left was Eddie Van Halen.
EVH wanted control of his band. Even though he was the guitar hero of all time, he was in the shadow of two charismatic, and talented, frontmen in Roth and Hagar. EVH co-produced VH III, he co-wrote most of the songs (the writing credits include all band members), he sang lead on 'How Many Say I', and he even played bass instead of Mike Anthony on 9 songs. It's obvious he wanted total control and he is just not as talented writing and producing as Diamond Dave and Sammy Hagar are.
I remember all the hype EVH created. Saying he was finally working with his musical other half in Cherone and then slagging Dave and Sammy. It was too much for the fans to take, especially when they were handed DLR on the MTV Awards and it fell through. Gary could never win against those odds. Of course, when the album and tour tanked, Ed and Alex blamed the change to Gary. I've got to give credit to Mike Anthony who stood by Gary Cherone and has actually revealed a lot of information regarding this period of VH history in interviews.
Also, I think Sammy Hagar has to be given some credit too. Sammy has always been a supporter of Gary Cherone. I was at the show in Mansfield, MA (Sam & Dave tour) when Sammy opened for DLR and had Mike Anthony, Boston, and Gary Cherone out for the encore 'When It's Love' (you can hear this on LIVE: HALLELUJAH (2003). A class move.
Heavy Metal Addiction
I love how people think that More than words is a love song. Hell, I knew a brother and sister who used to play it at church and everyone would smile at how sweet it was.
You've just given me a great idea for a new blog!
Make no mistake...David Lee Roth is Van Halen!
Whenever I think of Van Halen I think of the "Dave" years. They set the bar in so many facets of rock too many to list here and quite frankly nothing we all dont all ready know. For "1984" to be the last Dave album is truly great. How many bands have ended their careers with truly "craptastic" albums and just fade away. Look only at Def Leppard, as they limped on, Metallica too is not immune, they are getting the taste of the bitter end.
Heavy Metal/Rock is a young mans game. Bloated music, lead singer ego trip (look at Axl) and drama seems to haunt my favorite musical acts, ahhhh. Van Halen did as well as any rock band to be relevant and long lived. When Sammy came onto the scene Van Halen was riding a good wave, they also morphed into a pop band, maybe not the musical pioneers they once were but relevant. Sammy is a solid front man with a very strong voice but the Dave years rule.
This new incarnation of Van Halen is best left alone. I loved Dave when with VH but he has gone over the deep end and become desperate. Much like an aging stripper. It really hurts me to say this but Dave cannot sing or hit the high notes anylonger and any true VH fan will tell you that Mike Anthony's singing/chorus in many ways is the MVP to VH. I am convinced why none of the 1980's VH copycat/rip offs never even came close to the VH formula is because they lacked a Michael Anthony to back a lead singer. That is why I will fly out west to check out an Atomic's Punks show before seeing the reunited VH show. (By the way the Punks rule.) I want to remember VH when they were truly the greatest and most important rock group of our time.
Dave, Sammy and then that flamboyant Freddy Mercury wanna-be
Singing Ability:
Sammy, Dave and then that flamboyant Freddy Mercury wanna-be
I echo the thoughts of that bumble that the last show in Vegas w/ that flamboyant Freddy mercury wanna-be was great. But he just wasn't made for VH
Dave's voice is shot and if they want any quality reunion they should include Sammy and Michael. If Sammy and Dave could tour then why can't Sammy and Mike join the tour w/ Dave and the boys.
Lastly If Valerie Bertanelli keeps up w/ that nutrisystem sh*t then Ed should reunite w/ her ....As far as Cherone (that freddy mercury wannabe) Kirstie Alley should eat him