Tonight You Rock Album Review

I’ve written about Tonight You Rock (T.Y.R.) a few times here on Bring Back Glam! Now it’s time to officially review the band’s remastered album All Comes Down to You.
Thanks to Retrospect Records, some great Glam is finally getting its due. TYR are a classic Santa Cruz, California area Glam band. Tonight You Rock shared the stage with a lot of Glam bands we talk about here every day. There’s no rhyme or reason why one band gets huge and another falls between the cracks, but today it’s time for some retribution. TYR should have been famous – and now it’s time for singer Joel Valentine, guitarist Gregg Michaels, bassist Dave Hayes and drummer Kevin St. James to get a little time in the spotlight.
All Comes Down to You features these tracks:
Are You Lonely
Looking Out for Number One
Tell Me No Lies
City of Angels
Too Late Now
Fight for Your Right to Rock
Without You
Running From Love
Heartbreak Hotel
By and large, my favorite song on All Comes Down to You is “Are You Lonely.” Because I'm lucky, I've had the remastered tracks for quite some time. This means I’m really familiar with the songs. One night, I listened to “Are You Lonely” on repeat 11 times in a row. The song is so Glamtastic, so "perfect" I kept thinking there must be a flaw of some sort. Often, there’s at least one small flaw in even our most favorite tunes. Not the case with “Are You Lonely.” Moreover, the lyrics are actually good. What a concept.
I’m also a big fan of “Tell Me No Lies.” This track has a lot of luscious guitar solos. Here, Valentine’s voice edges on the harder side of Glam. Fitting for the scorned-lover theme of the tune.
“Looking Out for Number One” sounds a little like Lynch-era Dokken. The vocal harmonies really make the song – and present a great platform for the simple, yet effective guitar riff. I only wish Valentine’s voice was boosted a little more. Still, I can tell this song was always a big hit when the band performed live. True to the time of the band, “Looking Out for Number One” also features a fancy guitar solo. In fact, the number of guitar solos on All Comes Down to You should serve as a testament to the quality of TYR. Shredding was definitely en vogue in the 1980s and Gregg Michaels can definitely hang.
Expect All Comes Down to You to land on my best of 2008 list.
I predict reunion shows for Tonight You Rock. I fully anticipate the band will play at one of the summer festivals. When they do perform – at any festival – I’ll be there, standing side stage cheering them on. I mean that.
Now, quit wasting time. Click here and buy the CD. It’s only 12 bucks.
Reader Comments (5)
Congrats to you, I am proud of you all.
And Thanks, Allyson, for the great review!
This CD ROXX!!! from beginning to the end leaving you wanting to hear more and more. Now lets see the next release with the most killer track out there Nice has to be heard...pure Glam/Hard Rock of the highest order..and lets hear more....
Congrats...and much success in 2009 and beyond
10 out of 10 starz on this baby....