Is Dynasty...Disco?

Now, I'll be honest, "I Was Made for Lovin' You" is one of my favorite Kiss songs - but I like disco. I can see how some members of the Kiss Army might be turned off by Dynasty. It's true many of the album's other tracks never get performed live...and none are nearly as strong as "I Was Made for Lovin' You."
Ok, I'll come clean...*takes deep breath.* Dynasty is my favorite Kiss album after Lick It Up. Yep. 'Tis true. I like my Kiss Glammy, with a side of cheese.
You know, I'm sure Kiss took a lot of criticism for experimenting with disco, but I've got to give them credit: at least back in the day the band was willing to take risks to gain new fans. After all, new fans = more money. Gene Simmons does love money.
A very big part of me hopes Adam Lambert sings "I Was Made for Lovin' You" tonight on American Idol, but the song probably isn't technically challenging enough for a singing competition (and some spoiler site says he's singing Blondie). Oh well. A Glam girl can dream.
Reader Comments (9)
I actually think Dynasty is a really disjointed record. the four band members were drifting apart and the overall sound of the record is indicative of this. Peter didn't even play drums on Charisma. I thought Ace's contributions to the album were the strongest. hard times is a great tune, and I love his take on 2000 Man.
I saw Kiss on the Dynasty tour, (My first concert ever), and although I loved the show at the time, listening to bootlegs of that tour now reveals that they really weren't very good live then. they drastically sped up all of their old songs as if to get them over with, and they maybe sang every other word most of the time.
Looking back, this was actually a really sad period for the band. the original lineup was falling apart, and their massive renaissance was still a few years away.
My favourite KISS album is Revenge, but I do like Dynasty, and this song in particular.
If you want a more disco/pop record try UNMASKED.
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