'The End of Heartache'

I was on YouTube, listening to Killswitch Engage when I thought “The End of Heartache” sounds awfully familiar. Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks:”Panama!”
After some fierce Google work I realized that KsE is on the Van Halen game so the song similarity makes sense...or does it?
I mean, the more I listened to “The End of Heartache” the more obsessed I became. I'm convinced the root of the song – the main riff basically – is the key hook from “Panama” just in a lower octave. Here, listen:
Now, compare to “Panama.”
See what I mean? Realize I'm not saying the songs are the same – they are not. Rather, they share a similar riff structure. I think this was KsE's way of paying tribute to the mighty VH. Thoughts?
Reader Comments (17)
5 years from now, all these band will be gone, (along with Rock n' Roll, which they killed,).
You'll find these guys working at Taco Bell.
There is no "rich tone" when it's detuned that far. It's all floppy sludge & distortion box.
Settle down, Jr.
Satan is right (that sounds funny!)...
Spence is right...
Brian is right...
BigB, you are SO WRONG, and in more ways than just your misguided defensiveness and criticisms here.
It duzn't matter what the f*ck the sh*t is tuned in as it completely blows.
As Ace accurately observes, it's a bunch of damned dog barking with sludge guitar.
They could save some money and just mike up a Doberman and have some dude in a leather "Gimp Suit" a la "Pulp Fiction" have him on a chain to bark and lunge at the audience.
Better yet, have some Doro lookin' chick in a leather catsuit have two miked up Dobermans lunging at the audience.
However, I do actually kinda like their cover of Dio's "Holy Diver" from their "As Daylight Dies" album. But it figures that the only cool thing they have ever done is a cover song and nothing of their own real creation.
And a Classic Rock cover, no less, from the world where Aerosmith and Kiss come from.
For you to dis those bands is ludicrous, Big B. How many of our beloved bands of the 80's, 90's and the present have been influenced by Aerosmith and Kiss? Nearly all of the ones we love on this site.
I betcha even Killswitch Engage like those bands.
And they did lift the "Panama" riff, as Al points out, though it is hardly doing anything for that monstrosity of a song that she's posted above.
If this keeps up, Al, I'll be writing my pennance.
Bring Back Glam, now... Oh, you did, with French Kiss! I forgot, I'm going back in time here when I'm commenting on this post.
So, yeah, Killswitch Engage blows and it is "interesting" that they lifted that Van Halen riff. The most interesting thing they've done since covering Dio.
So, BigB, the two most interesting moments for Killswitch Engage are lifts from Classic Rock bands.
Regardless, BigB, Killswitch Engage are, *** GONG ***, So UNROCK!
p.s. Go back to Blabbermouth or wherever you came from!
oh wait, there it is. ahahaha its right around the 3:30 mark
YOU'RE ALL OLD FARTS LOL stop chirping
Here's how you will know what I am writing now are comments from the REAL Metalboy!...
This is what I think about Killswitch and the similarity of these two horrific songs. That's right -- I said horrific.
First off, I actually kinda like one song by them -- yep, I said "ONE" -- the aforementioned, "Holy Diver", but that's IT! It figures, too, that the only song I like by these guys is a cover because their own stuff frickin' SUXX. Beyond the sh*te guitars, the lead vocalist sings with the plaintiff wail of O.J. Simpson's Akita!
And now you know it's me, too, with this forthcoming comment...
"Panama" frickin' blows, too!!! Love Van Halen! Always very much disliked "Panama", to put it mildly.
The REAL Defender of (Nearly) All Things Hair Metal!