Heavy Metal Strawberry Pickers

Have you heard of the movie Heavy Metal Strawberry Pickers? It focuses on the fictional Glam band Kitty Kitty Bang Bang after grunge took over the metal scene. I'm actually talking to the film's director next week, but I couldn't wait: I just had to post some clips from the movie for you to enjoy. I haven't watched the entire film yet, but I will. It's going to be awesome.
Reader Comments (10)
Is this fine art? No. Is this just entertaining, harmless B-Movie fodder? Sure. Did they exploit all the worst elements of the glam image & style,just for laughs? Absolutely!
Steven Spielberg & Jim Cameron have nothing to worry about.
Reading the comments- I think anyone with an IQ over 20 understands that this isn't supposed to be taken seriously. Hideous? HAHAHA! Dude, smoke a J, take a chill pill. It's comedy you twit!
Can't wait to see what they do next!
I will reserve judgement until I see it, but from the looks of it, actually, Gooch, our friend M just might have a point... It's a sketch stretched out into a movie. The thing is, we really have to see it, as it may have a lot of funny bits, based on what those who have seen it are praising.
Is it Hangover II funny? Is it Woody Allen funny? Is it Farrely Brothers funny? Is it Billy Wilder funny? Is it Tarantino funny? Or is it just okay, cheap laughs?
Ace makes some good points. However, from what I can make of it, Patrick, this is NOT any where near as funny as Cheech & Chong or Beavis & Butthead.
But, again, I need to see it before I pass final judgement.
Gotta love the title, though!