Which One Of You Is This?

This video is epic: a Bon Jovi fan lip syncing to "Livin' On A Prayer" during a Celtic's game. Talk about grabbing the spotlight! I think this video is old but I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Hilarious.
Reader Comments (59)
That guy is amazing!
If you'll also note in this clip, that wonderful combination of PASSION and HUMOR is undeniably contagious!
The whole scene that guy created reminds us about the positives of humanity, so much so I watched it twice.
Thank you for posting it, Allyson. Your timing could't be better, too, as it's perfect for a Sunday. We can learn more from this than any "wisdom" we might get from a church sermon.
God isn't real, the bible is fiction.
You might as well pray to the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.
But why do you think people say do you BELIEVE in god.
It's the same thing as
Do you BELIEVE in ghosts.
Do you BELIEVE in aliens.
Religion(god) is just a acceptable form of a cult.
If he was sober when he did this, that would make it hilarious.
I know I'm right and I feel sorry for you that you are so gullible. When I die I will be buried in the ground and worms and maggots are going to eat my decaying corpse. This fake eternity you speak of is just made up fantasy.
The bible is complete fiction, there is no heaven there is no hell. God and Satan are no more real then any character from some Disney movie. For people to think that the magical fairytale of the bible is real is just plain creepy. Nothing in the bible is fact, nothing in the bible can be proven.
Religion is brainwashing at it's highest form. Stop saying "you better hope your right". I don't spend my days worrying that some fictional character isn't gonna like me when I'm dead. God is as real as Freddie Kruger is real. It's just jibber jabber people believe in to feel better about themselves.
Everything I said was fact. You are obviously brainwashed.
I'm so thankful that I have peace of mind and don't live my life in fear of some make believe "god".
I give up dude, I live in the real world, your mind is so warped by religion that you can't see the truth.
I can't go anywhere here without somebody harassing me about god. Giving me stupid pamphlets about how I'm a horrible person because I'm not stupid enough to beLIEve in jesus. Every single day I come home from work some church has taped some religious crap on my door.I've never met so many disrespectful people in my life. For a state with so many supposed good christen people. This is the most crime ridden/racist state I've ever lived in and I've lived in a handful of states for at least 2 years each.
You are 1000% right with all of your comments. It is a cult but what makes it even more scary is that people think it's normal.Just like Kevon, he really does think you are going to burn in "hell". It's so depressing that people are dumb enough to believe a fictional book.
Don't listen to Kevon he is obviously delusional.
I'm not preaching anything to you. I just find it extremely depressing when people fall for this cult stuff. Christian people are very scary, it creeps me out. Cults are wrong, Christians are exactly the same as those Heaven's Gate people. Except they didn't pretend to be normal everyday people during the week.