Skid Row Re-Record '18 and Life' and I Lose It

This is completely absurd. Skid Row just re-recorded "18 and Life" with new singer Tony Harnell. You can hear it below. I don't understand why anyone would think this is a good idea. The original (the only) "18 and Life" features Sebastian Bach on vocals! The Skid Row debut was a slice of magic. It can't be recreated. Heck, not even the guitar parts sound as good in this 2015 re-recorded version. This just seems like a lousy thing to do - like the members of Skid Row are hell-bent on destroying whatever positive legacy they had left or something.
Reader Comments (18)
So Skid Row re-recorded 18 & Life with Tony Harnell. If I had never heard the original, I would like it. But no Sebastian, no thanks.
I'm with you, Allyson.
People are wondering if Tony Harnell is up to the task. This quickly shows that he IS.
Sebastian is the distant past, they don't want him back, Sollinger is the recent past, & he's gone.
This quickly shows that with Tony Harnell at the mic, Skid Row may actually still have some sort of future.
I hear where your coming from, Ace... but since it falls short (but, thankfully not flat), since it's not going to get that much attention, why not pull something unreleased, or better yet, crank out an original with Harnell to avoid all the rehash with yet more rehash... It's not too late... They should rush to put out a killer new track with him!
It's like current Great White and Warrant - yeah good singers but the personality is missing.
I gave SR an honest shot with Solinger singing, bottom line is the songs weren't there.
Sad, they were such a great band in their prime.
Sebastian wins. AGAIN.
Still... Will says it best above.
p.s. Also, I believe Tony Mills' best moment was TNT's best moment, 1992's "Realized Fantasies", a Pop Metal Masterpiece, and TNT's best album. BTW, Will! Where the h*ll ya been, man?
I have not purchased a Skid Row album since the departure of Baz. Apparently that won't change! Skid Row will never be anything without Baz. The sooner they learn that the better! Burry the hatchet already! Grow up bring Baz back and make more great music! There is still
I don't really have much of an opinion on it either way. Plenty of bands have re-recorded past songs for one reason or another...both with who originally sang the songs and/or with a different singer. I think Harnell sounds fine, but I didn't need to hear it to know he would.
And lastly, to reply to PrYmAgEn's comments...even though Sebastian has offered to bury the hatchet, I'd still say the "grow up" part should be more geared towards him. He's the one who has displayed immature behavior over the years, which continues to this day. As for "reliving the past," Bas can release as many new albums as he wants, his setlist is still 60-70% Skid Row songs...almost all of which HE DIDN'T WRITE. Speaking of songs he didn't write, on Twitter, he's been hashtagging his upcoming West Coast tour dates as #YouthGoneWildWest.
But a new version with Bach handling the pipes would likely sound worse than this. It is what it is, for an increasingly select group of people (both those who would gripe and those who would celebrate). If the men in charge like it, so be it.
In terms of moving them up or down (sales, venues, etc.), this doesn't hurt or help. It simply keeps things moving.