Vince Neil Chokes Up At Motley's Final Show

Motley Crue played their final show on New Year's Eve. Lots of videos of that show are online now - but the clip of Vince Neil choking up during "Same Old Situation" really got me. I'm not surprised he got emotional - I mean, wouldn't you? Apparently a lot of people in the crowd were crying while walking out of the show as well.
Reader Comments (25)
Is he really getting all busted up thinking of all the fans, his Crüe and crew over the years?
Or is it crying over all the money he won't be making now?
I'll give them this, they put on a good show, and I feel for Tommy, that his rollercoaster schtick screwed up on their very last show. But, they went out on a high note. 3 nights at the Staples Center... Not bad. What happened to that supposed "actual last gig at the Whiskey"? I guess that got canned.
One thing is for sure, Nothing any of them do, will ever be as big as this was. Not much is.
Let me remind you... I LIKE Neil's vocals and he will be remembered as the singer of Crüe. But you do understand where the criticism comes from... Singing every third word, being a condescending as*hole toward fans, vehicular manslaughter... the list goes on and on.
Also, mark my words, right or wrong, Motlëy Crüe will NEVER be inducted into The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
All metalboy & Ace do is pounce on anybody that has something positive to say.
It's pretty damn stupid, especially on a site called "Bring Back Glam".
"hatred, jealousy, and flat out discontent" perfectly sums up any response Ace gives when it comes to the Crue.
Instantly, upon finding this site a few years ago...I noticed how ridiculously Jealous Ace is of a lot of these bands (especially Crue).
He consistently comes across as a very bitter/unhappy person.
One thing I do "like" about Ace, is that he doesn't mince words & mostly just spews hatred for the Crue...
...Metalboy on the other hand is always hardcore ripping on the Crue/Vince but then says he is a "fan" which is extremely laughable.
Nothing he has said has ever convinced me one bit that he is anything more than "somewhat" of a fan of the Crue.
Alas, he has succeeded tremendously in giving off the glaring vibe that he simply hates everything about Vince.
I love the idea of this website & what Allyson is trying to accomplish but the almost constant negativity between Ace & metalboy about most of the bands talked about here is extremely silly & immature.
All I need to do is read the first 2 or 3 words of any post they leave & I can instantly tell who it is w/out even looking at the username.
Very predictable/repetitive & boring ("Same Ol Situation").
Along w/fletch completely trolling this website over & over & over.
One post about how he's helping "underprivileged kids".
& his next post telling posters here to "fuck off and die"
& another 5 posts of nonsensical rantings.
No thanks.
I pretty much just read the articles now & usually skip and or skim thru the comments.
I love the up to date news about glam metal bands that I am actually a fan of...but trying to have a fun little conversation about glam metal on this site is very difficult.
The 3 Amigos I previously mentioned have effectively sucked the fun out of this website.
Of course Motley Crue will eventually be in the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame (which is a joke in it of itself, so it doesn't really matter anyway).
Just because metalboy is barely a Crue fan, doesn't mean they won't get into the R&RHOF.
Even non Crue fans (if honest) can't deny that Motley had a hugely impactful, decade long run as one of the biggest bands in the world.
Just cuz I'm a fan doesn't mean I can't criticize an artist I admire. To have unconditional admiration of someone is being blind to the truth. Charlie Sheen was great in "Platoon" and "Wallstreet" but a complete a*shole nut job. The fact doesn't stop me from admiring his work. Same with Quentin Tarantino. "Pulp Fiction" was the last great movie ever made (name one since that's as good. Yet, he's a total horse's a*s. Does that stop me from going to see his movies? No.
And how about Axl Rose? I saw him at G'n'R's last club gig ever which was played at The Bayou in D.C. just months after "Appetite" came out. Did he beat Erin Everly? Yes. Is he known for being a jacka*s who keeps sold-out audiences waiting two or three hours -- I should know... I had to do it at The Ritz and Madison Square Garden 5 times. Will that stop me from seeing him again? Hell no!
And if Jakki Steal really did read the Comments on here she would realize Ace and myself aren't the only ones critical of Vince Neil. And, what the h*ll?... Even Nikki Sixx says Neil can't sing his way out of a paper bag. Did that stop him from hiring the guy to front his band? Or how about Mars saying his favorite Crüe album is the one with Corabi? That doesn't mean he doesn't like the ones with Vince doing Woody Woodpecker and Little Alvin impressions.
So, Jakki, if you're reading, again, I go on record as a major fan of Crüe. But all my undying appreciation of that band is not going to will them into The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. They won't get in because Jann Wenner and the powers that be don't respect them. It doesn't mean I don't.
Even if Vince Neil is a d*ck of the highest order doesn't stop me from admiring him on nearly all Crüe albums and "Exposed", showcasing his extraordinary chimpmunkian vocal stylings or his legendary stage performances from the era of "Dr. Feelgood" before. That's one thing to realize... He could make a nice career post Motlëy Crüe going Disney animated movies or Woody Woodpecker and Little Al in and The Chimpmunks cartoons.
That being said, I've often said (jokingly), those guys are crazy, but I'm the craziest!. However, one time during supervision, I said to my supervisor, "Don't worry about me, my head might be in the clouds, but my feet are firmly planted in the ground". Without hesitation, she replied, "I don't think your head is in the clouds". Keep doing what you are doing and I'll tell you when you are wrong.
People didn't get Van Gogh at first either. A lot of people still don't. But remember, Jakki (and bk for that matter), a lot of people didn't understand Motley Crue at first either and many people still don't- particularly the RARHOF.
Do I troll? sure. Do I poke the bear? guilty. But unlike the Axl's and/or Vince's of the world...when it's time to show up and do your job (AND do it well), I'm there, just like the Mick Mars' or Duff McKagans' of the (our) glam world. always.
Seriously, when has Motley played by the rules? They took a line from Van Halen and went with's to your thin red line- pushing the envelope just a little bit further to help "us" out- Motley Crue's underprivileged, wayward children that we are . (and bk, I am being complimentary)! peace/rock on!
Bkallday, keep on keeping on. I know you will.
Jakki, can I simply ask: what is it that makes a _true_ fan? Or even just _a_ fan? I am asking you because you at least posed your critique in a way that suggests--as you often have--that you have a fair amount of perspective, even if you lapse--perhaps launch is a better word--into a non-sequitur or two that goes beyond the comments proper.
One of the reasons I like this site is because people can be fans. But they can also take a bit of starch out of the bands they love, calling them on their faux pas while still wanting them to be the best band they can be, age and wrinkles and paunches and shot vocals be damned.
And I get that one perspective (you pick, yours or mine or Ace's or Fletch's) can sometimes sound like it is meant to be a decree presupposing that it represents _every_ fan's perspective. That's just the price of admission. Many of us on here admit a mistake or two, apologize for a gaffe or a jab too far, and then get back to discussing the bands. No harm and certainly no foul . . . intended or extended. Heck, I even find Fletch's swings a bit interesting. And, when I don't, I just don't reply _to him_ even if I post about the topic at hand (or the topics that it raises). I know that people do the same with me.
My tests for comments here are simple smell tests: can they take a joke and give one back? Can they cite a fact and extrapolate from that an interesting position (even one with which I disagree)? If called to account, do they respond in kind or dodge and deflect?
To those points, your post, and my question, I think the responses you engendered were balanced, occasionally witty, and generally well thought-out. What say you? Or let me put it this way: what would you want this site to be--specifically as regards comments--so that it would be a place where you would spend more time posting? To my mind criticism and condemnation thereof can be quite close or miles apart, depending on the spirit in which they are offered.
I'd hate to think that I played any part in driving you away from the comments section. And I bet most of the others would too.
Have a good week, Jakki.