Another Record for Guns n' Roses

That's pretty damn impressive. I don't think there can be any argument: GnR were and remain the biggest act of the 80s metal and rock heyday. The only other band that comes close is Def Leppard.
I read Forbes a lot (a hobby of mine is investing and finance) so it was totally cool to see an article about Guns n' Roses in that magazine.
#GNR Heads For $500 Million Tour Earnings As 'November Rain' Sets YouTube Record - Forbes
— Guns N'Roses News (@GunsNRosesNo1) July 14, 2018
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Reader Comments (9)
However, there are still a lot of people out there who might prefer Def Leppard over Gn’R because ...
Not to add further fire to a needless debate, but . . . talk of who "remains" the biggest act from the glory days is always going to be obviously biased one way or another. It is less biased than who "was" the biggest act . . . so long as you add a long list of qualifiers, which still introduces a whole lot of "yes, but" diversions. This sorta' thing reminds me of the Big Four debates: how do you even begin to assess the merits of Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax as against each other? And why leave out Testament, Death Angel, Exodus, etc., etc. They are all fun, if ultimately, pointless. In both cases (the then/now issue), the question is obvious: in terms of what?
So I will add a bit of nuanced tomfoolery to this pointlessness (most of what I write, I assume, is taken by some on this site as pointless!): in terms of longevity, Def Leppard wins due to the band roster and the continued release of product; in terms of craft, it is an unequal tie since you are comparing two rather distinct sub-genres; in terms of catalog, Leppard wins given what they released up through Hysteria; in terms of financials, I have to assume it is still Leppard even if this latest grab (I mean, glam) fest by GnR is raking in the bucks; in terms of fandom, another tie since I have no idea how many people like either band, or both bands, or different periods from either of them; in terms of integrity, I have to go with Leppard simply because of how they treated each other (sorry Willis and Kenning, this is a purely numerical sort of calculation . . . yeah, right!), how they treated Allen, and how they still honor the cog in the machine that mattered when they mattered most, Clark.
See I can debate the undebatable. And, given that this is opinion-driven, I still win (for me). For you? Who knows?
Def Lep wins hands down. Do not pass go, do not collect your $200. There is hardly a topic in which I am so clear that It shines so clearly.