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Stephen Pearcy Releases New Solo Track 'All That I Want'

Stephen Pearcy of RATT is working on a new solo record and he continues to drop new tracks as they become available. Now he has released "All That I Want." The song sort of sounds like late-era RATT but there is something funny about Pearcy's voice to me. I think it has been smoothed over too much with ProTools or whatever the kids are using to produce music on a laptop these days. If the mix was punched a little - maybe to sound more aggressive - I think this track would be a winner. I love the guitar work at the beginning.

I hate the video, which you can watch below. I have to say, I am impressed at how productive Pearcy has been recently. This is a surprise - so good for him.

Listen to Stephen Pearcy 'View To A Thrill' and Support BBG!

Reader Comments (5)

I dunno . . . it is a demo. So there is that. Perhaps the final mix will be a smorgasbord of musical majesty, or at least a buffet of okay (by the way, RIP Sweet Tomatoes).

And Pearcy has always been a studio vocalist, using whatever sorcery was available to sweeten that raspy caterwaul of his (remember: I love me some classic Ratt). When I saw him with the Infestation line-up his voice was passable . . . and often drowned out by Mr. Mars Bars and Blotz and Crane and Cavazo. Besides, he was dipping into the lazy playbook even then: holding his brass-knuckled microphone out many, many times. And who cared? I didn't. It was Ratt n' Roll!!!

It certainly sorta' sounds like a faxed copy of a classic Ratt song. Here's the thing though: I think he is battling two things. First, he seems to be sober these days. Which is a good thing. But I wonder if that removes a bit of the pee-pee and apple cider vinegar. Second, I think he is--gasp--talk-singing more these days, perhaps in a nod to his age (those have been some rough 67 years, yes?). Other singers of his ilk might try it.

Or, perhaps, there is a more basic explanation: that darn GEICO ad tired him out. Having to watch the PiRATT of Penzance dance around like a do-ragged line cook would be exhausting to me too!
May 10, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterHim
A little soft for my taste, but not bad. His solo album Social Intercourse is still in my rotation today. Fueler also kicked ass! I’m glad he keeps pumping out music. I will always support his work. By the way met him at Guitar center like 15 years ago.... he was really cool and we spoke for like 30 minutes. I have heard he can be grumpy, that was not my experience.
May 10, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterJack T Ripper
Its not a terrible but not amazing either. I respect the fact that he continuously puts out new solo material and makes it worthwhile. They're pretty decent songs with good production, I just wish he'd put the same quality or pride into his live shows and into Ratt whether it's making new music, performing well, or keeping 5 of the same people together for more than 15 minute. Infestation was great and it was the closest thing you'll get to the real band but now that idea is long gone, such a shame too, since Ratt is one of the better and more recognizable bands of that era. Hopefully this down time does wonders for him as far as live shows go, maybe he needs s break.
May 10, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterDj
Okay, so it’s by the numbers for Pearcy, but I gotta admit, his numbers are generally pretty good, especially of late ...

Throw away the throwaway lyrics and languish in the subtle chord changes and hooks and you’ve got yet another example of how and why the man can keep churning it out.
May 10, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Part II: It’s a damn “Shame Shame Shame” the man screwed up RATT ... He AND Blotzer, really ... The main reason I went on The Monsters of Rock Cruise in 2015 was because RATT was headlining ...

Then they had to cancel because Pearcy was rumored to have gone to rehab right before the ship’s departure date.

They did do a “make good” the following year, appearing on the boat for a special performance under the nom de plum, “The Stowaways”, before the ship departed.

Still, at the time, I couldn’t make the 2016 surprise performance and though, it’s nice for those who were able to go, it always left a mildly bitter taste in my mouth, the way this band limped off at the end.

Again, yet another band that ought to put aside their differences and do something magnanimous ... Get back together for one night only for charity ... They could do it a la their MTV Unplugged show ... Except practicing social distancing by having each member performing in their own house a la some of the previous charity shows that have been airing recently. Enjoy!
May 10, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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