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The Poison Tour Started...

...and the set list didn't change one bit. Poison kicked off their tour the other day in Tupelo, Mississippi. Here's what they played:

Look What the Cat Dragged In
I Want Action
Ride the Wind
We're An American Band
Something to Believe In
Your Mama Don't Dance
Guitar Solo
Fallen Angel
Unskinny Bop
Drum Solo
Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Talk Dirty To Me
Nothin' But a Good Time

It will be interesting to see if Motley Crue honestly takes their fan votes into account regarding their set for their American tour with Poison. Something tells me Motley will have the same set they always do, just like Poison. More power to them if people keep paying good money to hear the same things over and over. Personally, I think just one rare song from both Motley and Poison would make the tour that much better.

Who here is surprised by the Poison set list?

Now here's video from that kick-off Poison show. I've gotta admit, the band sounds good:

Reader Comments (24)

Not sure I will ever see either band again unless they have somebody touring with them I really want to see....which will probably never Saw both Motley and Poison a few years ago...Poison to see Cinderella (always a good show) and Motley because I received tickets. Used to love Motley but they are stale now...trying to hard to be modern. Wouldn't mind it if they played more from the first album or deeper cuts off of Shout. Poison always puts on a decent show but they are in desperate need of new music in my opinion.
May 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJAT
and after 25 years, Rikki Rocket still SUCKS as a drummer.
May 27, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjimbo
About the most boring set list they could possibly play.
May 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJack
11 songs, thats a pretty weak effort. I saw System of a Down last week in Vegas and they performed 29 songs. I know most of you wouldn't want to see 5 from them but at least they are giving you the best bang for your buck.
May 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWill
Typical boring set list. *yawn*
May 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKenny Ozz
That seals the deal for me almost decided to go stand in the mud at Rocklahoma but I wont for that set list and Vince hitting every third word.
May 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterShawn
Wow. I wasn't alive back when they were BIG and I dont know what their past set lists but they do sound good. I'm actually going to go see them and the Crue and the Dolls in July. I hope it's a good show.
May 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVictoryLane
From the press confrence at Bamboozle!

Wild Side
Saints Of Los Angeles
Live Wire
Shout @ the Devil
Primal Scream
Home Sweet Home
Don't Go Away Mad
Dr. Feelgood
Too Young To Fall In Love
Too Fast For Love
Smokin' In The Boys Room
Girls, Girls, Girls
Kickstart My Heart
Looks That Kill
May 27, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdfrank511
I have a couple of chances to see the Motley/Poison tour in this area, and I am not buying a ticket untill I see set lists from both bands. Poison i've given up on, but MC still has a chance to mix it up. I'm not paying to see the same set every year. There are too many bands that take the time to rehearse and mix in different songs. I saw Tesla 2 weeks back @ M3 and they played "Love Me" off the first record. I saw them on every tour they've ever done and had never heard that live. Don't be lazy bands!
May 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSparkyDR99
im going july 7th everytime either bands in tampa i hit them up because the girlys are crazy oh this is one of my fav website good job and m3 next year im there
May 27, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertommydahl
I went to the Poison show in Tupelo this past Wednesday night. I actually wrote a review about it on the forum. The band sounded good, but the setlist was really short. (Warrant impressed me and Jani Lane's replacement has a set of pipes.)
May 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWard
If D. Frank's Bamboozle set list is correct, that's pretty dang good! I'll be there, probably in Tampa. I was gonna fly out to L.A. to see 'em at The Hollywood Bowl, but, like I told you before, as my dear old Dad (RIP!) used to say, "That's an awfully long way to go for a drink", hahaha!!!

Especially with the first round during Poison who sound like they are going to be a lot more boring than they should be! These clownz (Lord knows, I'll always love 'em anyway) are wasting a chance to give Crue a run for their money.

Look, it's obvious Crue should be the headliner, but Michaels and company could at least push themselves to try and rival who their opening for. They would come closer to outclassing Crue by comin' out with a lot fresher playlist, or better yet, really switch it up every show, rather than just mail-in a Xerox of the same exact setlist they've been playin' for years. Sheeeeezzzz!!!!

Right now, the set list is LAME, LAME, LAME!, and there's simply no reason for it!

Here's a set list that could give Crue a run for their money:

Look What The Cat Dragged In
I Want Action
Play Dirty
Number 1 Bad Boy
I Won't Forget You
Unskinny Bop
Guitar Solo
Sufragette City (Bowie song covered on Poison'd)
Flesh And Blood

"Moby Dick" Intro (Led Zeppelin)
Rikki's own Drum Solo

Ain't Nothin' But A Good Time
Every Rose Has It's Thorn
Talk Dirty To Me

Cry Tough (their best song!)
Let Me Go To The Show (Part 1)
Rock And Roll All Nite (Kiss song originally covered on the "Less Than Zero" Soundtrack)
Let Me Go To The Show (Part 2)

C.C. could smash up a purple B.C. Rich or something, too, at the end, for massive effect.

I seriously think Michaels just plain doesn't get it. I hate to mock him for his head injury but I'm wondering if his brain power was choked off the minute he stuck a cowboy hat on top of his head. It certainly did effect the band's songwriting.

"Something To Believe In" has to be one of the dumbest songs ever recorded. The words are pure inanity and not in a funny way. In an LCD way (Lowest Common Denominator).

Just goes to show ya, writing anything to have a hit doesn't necessarily mean the end result is gonna be particularly satisfying, or good, for that matter.

So, yeah, just cuz a song becomes an international hit doesn't mean it's good and sure as h*ll should not be the sole criteria when making a set list.

And why bother wasting time on classic rock covers like Grand Funk Railroad's "We're An American Band". I do think, however, it was very fitting they covered Bowie's "Suffragette City" on Poison'd. Man, that's perfect for them to perform now! And that's why I added it to our little list.
May 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
You said it Metalboy! They could pull out the stops and give Crue somewhat of a run for their money.

Here are some other 'options' to work in:

Love on the Rocks
7 Days Over You
I Hate Every Bone
Sexual Thing
So Tell Me Why
Last Song
and hell yes, CRY TOUGH has to be in there
May 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMEWIZEMGIC
@Jimbo... check out Rikki's drum solo on Live, Raw, and Uncut... absolutely amazing.
May 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBlaine
Yeah! Me Wise! Not sure about what C.C. would think of "Stand". I'm not that crazy about it either, but have to admit, it would be pretty epic to have a local Gospel group in each town perform the back-up vocals.

You would think because of all the near death stuff he recently went through, Michaels would think about things differently now and come up with ideas like this and also be motivated to write new material.

Imagine if the band would write some songs about their life on the road through the years and Michaels would personally write new songs about his recent life challenging experiences. And I don't mean for his solo project. For Poison and Poison fans!

Poison just assumes people only want to hear the old stuff. But if Brett wrote some totally Glam Metal songs in the mold of their old school sound, Poison would have new kick-ass songs to mix into the set, just as Crue has "Saints Of Los Angeles".

Autobiographical stuff, when it's real, topical and relatable can even generate hits. If they had gotten to work right away on putting together a new album, hey, there would have been a good shot at creating some hits. Instead, Michaels and the boyz let an opportunity pass them by, as too much time has gone by.

Anyway, I double digress (or is that quintuple?)...

One switch up I would make to my proposed set list would be taken from your suggested list, Me Wise. That would be to replace with "Flesh And Blood" with "Love On The Rocks". Much better song!

p.s. Jimbo, Blaine's right. Rikki's a lot better than you think!
May 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I think you might be blaming the wrong person for the repetitive set list. I met Bret 2 summers ago & begged him to add "Love On The Rocks" to the set. He told me that he fights for that song every tour, but nobody else wants to change it. He said that the other guys feel that people come out to hear "the specific songs that got airplay" & refuse to switch things up. I met C.C. The previous summer & he made a comment to me which was something like, "we have to play the songs the people love". Considering that it is mostly the same people coming out year after year, I don't agree, but wasn't going to argue it, as he is one of my faves & I was a little in awe meeting him.

Either way, I will be there in Cleveland on July, 27 & I have never left a Poison show disappointed. There might be some things I would change or switch up, but I always have nothin' but a good time.
May 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGEO II
The set list is why I won't buy tickets to this tour. I have seen Poison 10 times or so and really am getting tired of the same show over and over. Give me something different.

No to mention that I really can't stand the way Vince is "singing". I would be nice to actually hear all the words to the songs. Last tour I just about walked out because of his "singing".
May 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJN
Poison fan since the beginning
Love the greatest hits
Love the good obscure hits like play dirty, #1 badboy, back to the rocking horse, let it play.
Get the picture
I'll go see them till the end of time as long as the keep rocking any tunes i dont care
If u dont like what they playing then take a back seat
U are not a fan
I just saw stryper, and KIX
Guess what they played
All of their hits
May 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRich
Kix plays all their hits and more, Rich!

I GET the Picture, PAL!

The Picture is Poison could ROCK OUT way more!

They don't need all those covers, son. That could be replaced by the deep cuts on their multi-platinum albums people know just as well.

What?! I'm not a fan because I wanna hear more ROCKIN" Tunes than what they've currently got on their set list.

Believe me, I'm a fan...

Metalboy's! Top 10 Fave 80's Hair/Glam Bands:

1) Motley Crue
2) Cinderella
3) Kix
4) Poison
5) Pretty Boy Floyd
6) Faster Pussycat
7) Warrant
8) L.A. Guns
9) Big Bang Babies
10) Nitro

It wouldn't surprise me if your happy to have everything in your life mailed in, just like Poison's set list.

Wake UP!

p.s. And don't kid yourselves. The other Poison members would be willing to change the set list if Michaels approached it right. He was giving GEO a line, I assure you. If Micheals really CARED or UNDERSTOOD what fans really want in a show, he would have twice the excitement in that set list! Right now it's LCD! And maybe that's just your comfort level. Just take what they give me. Don't complain. Except about people who want something better and something better for people who don't want it. Because, I assure you, if you saw a better set list, you would appreciate the show all that much more, Rich!

p.s.s.t. You know what, Rich? You may be half right... I AM a fan of Poison, but I'm not a really a fan of Michaels. Ever since he put on his cowboy hat, he went LCD. Such a great songwriter. Such a great talent. Such a visionary. And it's all going to waste. Give me the Brett Michaels of the 80's! It was then that he REALLY Knew HOW TO ROCK!

p.s.s.s.t. Yee-hah, Rich! I can spot you from a mile away! You're a Tea Partier! What's with you SHEEPle! Hahahaha!!!!
May 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
And, Rich!

Yeah, Stryper played all of their hits, and other people's, too!

Huh-uh-lo-oh!... The Covering!

I mean, duz Poison really need to play "We're An American Band" when they've got any of their other originals to choose from? Let Michaels keep the LCD stuff confined to his solo career...

Let Pioson ROCK OUT like they're supposed to!

Play Dirty!

Next time, don't make untrue, grandiose statements, like the typical Tea Partier, that you are! Get your facts straight!
May 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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