Judas Priest Performs with James Durbin on 'American Idol' Finale

Rock on! 'American Idol' contestant James Durbin got to fulfill a dream last night when he performed with Judas Priest on the season 10 season finale. Priest + Durbin performed "Living After Midnight" and "Breaking The Law." The performance was also the first with new guitarist Richie Faulkner. I gotta give props to Richie: he did a good job.
As soon as Priest took the 'Idol' stage, the negative comments started flowing on Twitter. Personally, I think it is cool and a great way for Priest to get the word out about their farewell tour. Heck, maybe some kids will get interested and see them live when they still have a chance.
Scotty McCreery won 'American Idol.' The top 11 contestants go on tour this summer as part of 'American Idols Live.'
And if there was ever any question about who is my American Idol... well, just watch:
Reader Comments (9)
As for Steven...was that the DeLeo brothers backing him on that? Hmmmmmm
Plus, this was THE Biggest Metal Moment in American Idol History -- bigger than Kiss! Why? Because Priest is more Metal than Kiss!
Glad to see the cameras caught new guitarist, Richie Faulkner's lead in "Breaking The Law" (they missed Glenn's in "Livin' After Midnight" -- which is typical when it comes to network live coverage).
Halford was awesome. Durbin nailed it, though he was horrible during "What's New Pussycat" during the Tom Jones medley, which brings me to this...
Aside from last night's victor, Snotty McDreary, all of the other contestants were inconsistent in their performances throughout the season.
McDreary's studied, bland Country delivery and passive aggressive ah-shucks hick attitude is all LCD Tea Party voters needed to put in another one of their own.
Though Priest was a highlight, Snotty's victory was a low point, marking the continuing march of The Tea Party to homogenize American Culture into one big Modern Country Redneck Hoedown!
p.s. Tyler was great but they cut the guts out of "Dream On", only allowing him a shortened version to perform. They let Beyonce have 2 numbers but he only gets half a song that's way more iconic than anything else performed that night. But he nailed it anyway and so did Stone Temple Pilots, who backed him (good eye, Lou!) GaGa was another highlight. As far as singers go, the biggest singing talents on stage last night, in running order: Tyler, GaGa, Halford, Tony Bennett. Tony B was the most iconic of the performers as he has been at it longer and is TIMELESS. I wonder if Halford met Tony backstage? I bet he did! Awesome!
I agree with Metalboy! Durbin can not hold a candle to Halford but what an experience the guy had performing with the Priest. What an honor and also playing with Zakk earlier in the season he must be on clouud nine.
Thought the song choices were good you cant go wrong with anything off of British Steel and I was impressed with the new guys solo.
that said, I still thought it was a cool moment, and it was doubly cool that Tony Bennett was there. Now, that guy is a legend!
It's a slap in Rock'n'Roll's face!
p.s. At least we got a good taste of Priest! As someone who comments on here quite often who texted me "Priest will blow the roof off", they and Durbin did not disappoint! But the producers really should have given Tyler his due. Bet if he comes back next year, they'll let him do a full version of something, most likely "Walk This Way" or that theme to "Armageddon" I'm trying to forget right now. Wish it could be something like "Back In The Saddle" or "Draw The Line", tho! Hey, Tyler, you gotta Rock Out More!