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Entries from November 1, 2010 - November 30, 2010


Vince Neil Makes it Through First Elimination of 'Skating With the Stars' - Good Grief

Vince Neil is still on Skating with the Stars. I figured he'd go home in last night's first elimination but he (just barely) skated by, pun very much intended.

Vince is horrible on this show, people. Just terrible. I had no intention of watching, but I ended up catching his first week routine online so then I thought I'd watch the entire second episode...good gravy, what a train wreck. I mean, seriously. Never in my life have written words failed me. I've always been able to express myself through writing - but not this time. I simply cannot convey how terribly embarrassing it is to watch Vince on skates. Then I think, "How does Vince feel?" I mean, he must be embarrassed, right? Or maybe he doesn't care. I don't think he likes the judging part very much and he certainly doesn't like the stupid stage banter - neither do I. At least I'll give Vince props for trying...but damn.

Skating with the Stars = not metal. Shudder.

For those with the same morbid curiosity as me, you can catch Vince skate again next Monday night at 8 p.m. on ABC.

Week 1 clip:


'Ace of Spades' Half Speed?

The guys in Motorhead recently made a commercial for some beer called Kronenbourg. I must admit, hearing "Ace of Spades" at half speed is a weird experience, but it works for the commercial concept. It seems that more and more metal bands are being tapped these days for marketing purposes. Maybe that's the way we can keep the music alive? If the art of the music video is dead and no one wants to pay for albums anymore and concert tickets are too high, then maybe commercials are the way to go. Watch:


Mr. Big, 'Undertow' - New Video! 

Mr. Big knows how to rock. Their new song "Undertow" is just excellent. Really, there's no other way to describe it: the song has a modern edge, yet it is not nu-metal so I don't think die hard fans would be alienated. The production is great and the video is even excellent. "Undertow" is a single from the forthcoming release What If...due out in early 2011. Have a listen:


Bret Michaels, 'What I Got' - Just Plain Awful 

Have you heard the new Bret Michaels cover of "What I Got?" The song was a big hit for Sublime back in 1996. Bret recorded the song for his solo album Custom Built. Now, admittedly, I'm not a Sublime fan but I have no bias against the song. I know every word to "What I Got" because it was played nonstop when I was in high school. Still, bias or not, I can't sugarcoat this one: I think both the song and the video are horrid. Have you seen the video. Here, watch and I'll wait:

See what I mean? I fully support Bret using fans and other "real people" in his videos - that's not my beef here. The final product just doesn't look smooth or something and the sync is intentionally off (or at least I think it was an intentional decision) but whatever the case, it is distracting. Plus did I mention the song is horrid? The mix is not good. Oh my. Yes, Bret can do whatever he wants but I think this was definitely a career miss. Or maybe I'm just confused but Glam and Ska don't usually mix. Agree?


A Night of Comedy with Don Jamieson from 'That Metal Show'

A few nights ago, Don Jamieson, from VH1 Classic's That Metal Show, was in Hartford, CT performing his stand-up routine. I have met Don on several occasions in the past and we have become friendly (I'm am always amazed that he remembers my friends and me when he see us, considering how many people he encounters doing stand-up gigs and his television show). As such, I wanted to attend to show my support, so I grabbed my wife and some good friends and we went to the Friday night gig.

The performance was at the Brew Ha Ha comedy club, which is a small room, but it makes for a good comedy atmosphere. Don was the second comedian of three comedians to perform. I do not remember the names of either the first performer or the third performer of the night, but both performed respectable sets.

Don's set was hysterical. He is a gifted comedian with a tremendous stage presence, combined with a quick wit that allowed him to work the room with ease. Even though the majority of the room was unfamiliar with That Metal Show (when asked who watched it, ours was the only table that cheered, but we did so loudly), he was able to entertain the entire crowd throughout his 40 minute set. We were seated right next to the stage, so several people at our table took some good-natured bullets (especially my good friend Kurt, who Don told him that he "Looks creepier each time he sees him, like Paul Giamatti with Down Syndrome"). Surprisingly, and this makes sense considering Don's performance is geared toward attracting a larger, general audience, only a few minutes of his set was about Metal music. Most was just well thought-out and expertly delivered observational comedy. As I stated earlier, I showed up on Friday as a show of support not knowing what to expect, but I would definitely go again based on his ability to perform.

Even more fun was after the show, when my wife, friends and I went upstairs to the bar to have a few drinks and Don joined us, and we basically just talked Metal for the next hour and a half. He was just as funny off the stage as he was on, as some of his stories had us in stitches. Unfortunately, I would not feel right repeating those stories here, as I was not interviewing Don and his comments may not have been meant for distribution. All I can say, is if you go see his show, find him after and just get him will not be disappointed.

One last thing that I want to mention is something Don did that really evidences his character and his good nature. Recently, my sister has begun providing home health care to quadriplegic man. Turns out, this guy is a huge fan of That Metal Show, and will watch the show on DVR over and over again. This just came up in conversation, so I said to my sister, "I'm going to see Don shortly, I'll try to get an autograph for him." I mentioned the guy's situation to Don and was just going to have him sign a scrap of paper for the guy...but Don insisted that he had one headshot with him that he was going to sign for the club, but instead wanted to give it to this guy, and gave me the signed picture to pass along. While this is probably not a big deal to Don, it will mean the world to one of his fans in an unfortunate situation, and he deserves credit for being that cool. Thanks Don.


The Brilliance That Is Axl Rose

My previous post was a review of Steven Adler's book, My Appetite for Destruction, which was not my favorite book. However, one idea that Steven floats in his book is about Axl, and the thought resonated with me.

As we all know, Axl is notorious for starting the show late...really late. It has become his calling card or his identity; that he is completely unpredictable. Steven attempted to shed some light on this issue, and quite honestly, the explanation made sense to me. Essentially, what Steven writes is that Axl performs best in an emotionally charged environment. So basically, Axl will wait - and he will make his fans wait - causing impatience, anxiousness, frustration, and an adverse reaction to the unknown. The crowd begins to get worked up and the tension and emotion in the building rises, and then, just when it is about to peak, you hear the opening bars to "Welcome to the Jungle." Wherever you are, odds are the crowd is going to erupt. His making the crowd wait and wait only served to get people worked up, and ultimately it all adds up to a better, emotionally charged performance.

So, is this brilliance or is this simply being an egotistical, irresponsible performer? Personally, I think it is brilliant and it works for him. Not every band could pull the same stunts and get away with it. If I go see KISS, I know the show will start and end on time, and it will all go according to plan. There are no surprises, but you get what you expect. But, with Axl, you don't know what to expect and it results in an environment that is better suited for a Guns 'n' Roses show.

So your thoughts: is Axl a genius, or am I just buying into the hype?


Tigertailz To Release Live Album; Live Shows Planned 

One of my wishes for 2011 is to see Tigertailz live. I suppose a live album is the next best thing...but I want both! Maybe I'll add the live disc to the my Christmas list. Possibilities...

Here's a press release:

Legendary Welsh rabble rousers Tigertailz are back with their first new album release for three years! December 6 sees the launch of no-holds-barred live album Bezerk Live – Burnin’ Fuel through TT Records, with global distribution through Cargo to follow in January. Get ready to hear the rejuvenated band going hell for leather as they mark the 20th anniversary of breakthrough album Bezerk.

The early part of 2010 saw the band revisit the crazy days of 1990, playing the entire album in sequence, plus one or two surprises for the faithful. The resulting live album, recorded in Cardiff, Newcastle and Stockholm, is a two-pronged return, something that will both cement Tigertailz’ place in ‘glam metal’ history, and act as a springboard for the band’s future. It celebrates both the old – classics such as "Love Bomb Baby," "Heaven," "Noise Level Critical" and "Sick Sex" – along with the new, heavier twist that the more musically evolved band of today inevitably bring to the music.

This 12-song live set also gets to the flaming heart of how Tigertailz originally envisaged the songs on Bezerk – before studios and record companies took their pound of flesh. That said; the birth of Bezerk Live – Burnin’ Fuel wasn’t always straightforward, as front man Kim Hooker explains:

“We wanted to do something for the 20th anniversary of Bezerk, but in our infinite ignorance we thought we could record a gig and just put it out. Our longtime friend and producer Tim Lewis reminded us that any live album must stand up to repeated listening – no one ever puts out such an album without spit and polish. So, we’ve worked extra hard on getting this band’s live sound to shine through.”

Capturing their unique brand of intensity – the clash of melody and mayhem that defines any Tigertailz show – is a tall order. That’s why Lewis and Tigertailz took their time to get things right, ensuring that the live vibe, the spark, and the rage for perfection shone through in every track. They wanted, as Kim says, to “bring you the best possible live headbanging experience.”

“The album sounds fantastic,” he enthuses. “The songs leap out at you, just like we always wanted them to. You’ll be amazed at how exciting these songs sound in 2010. We were inspired by albums like Kiss Alive and Judas Priest’s Unleashed In The East. What we’ve created is the nearest thing you can get to a Tigertailz concert in your front room!”


Thursday, December 2 – Hard Rock Hell, Prestatyn
Thursday, December 16 – The Scala, King’s Cross, London
Sunday, April 3 – Estragon, Bologna