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Entries from March 1, 2025 - March 31, 2025


Skid Row Announce 'Revolutions Per Minute' Reissue

It's certainly not my favorite Skid Row release, but Revolutions Per Minute has plenty of fans nonetheless. The album will be reissued and that includes on vinyl too. Looks like the pre-sale price is about $26 - so not terrible! Let's hope the guitars sound louder this time around. Comes out May 30.


'Tattoos & Misery'

I'm thankful for the random reels that pop up on Facebook for me from time to time. Case in point - Trixter shared a clip of performing "Tattoos & Misery" live at the Whiskey A Go-Go. I was immediately reminded of how awesomely glam that tune is from the album New Audio Machine... released in 2012!

I went back into the archives here... and yep, I shared the video when it came out back in April 2012. The consensus then was that Trixter scored a slam dunk with a catchy-as-hell song.

Glad to see they are still performing it live. Love the memories and each time I've seen Trixter, I've been blown away. So fun, and so impressive.


Pretty Killer Marketing 

So this might be the most ingenious cosmetics marketing campaign ever. Spencer Charnas, lead singer of Ice Nine Kills, just launched a beauty line called Pretty Evil.

The entire launch spot is worth spending four minutes on and the clip is just part one apparently. This is also pretty clearly a teaser for the next installment of INK music. They set-up mysteries in their elaborate videos and carry a theme through several clips.

Oh and the product names make me chuckle too. Die Liner (eye liner) and Black Mass liquid lipstick are classic. The eye palette colors use INK song names.

And yes, I'm buying some of this. Probably the eye palette. So kill me. (See what I did there?)


So About Those New KISS Live Shows

First off, who could have predicted that KISS would return to live performances after their multi-year farewell tour? I, for one, am shocked.

KISS is doing a Las Vegas takeover November 14-16 at the Virgin Hotel. Bruce Kulick will be joining in the weekend as well. Pre-sale to the convention-concert weekend begins April 2 but you need to be a fan club member (of course).

This thing is crazy expensive, too. The basic package is a thousand bucks a person and the top-level, ultimate experience package is five-grand a head. Not sure who can afford this, but congrats if you can!



Glory Days

"Glory Days" by Bruce Springsteen seems to be a fitting song to share today. After all, today is opening day for Major League Baseball - practically a holiday in America.

A schedule of today's games is below if baseball is your jam. For me, MLB opening day means warm weather really is coming - we just have to hold on a little longer around my parts.


Sponsor Rikki Rockett, Support Men's Health

Drummer Rikki Rockett is doing the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride this May to raise money for men's health, especially prostate cancer. The ride is a worldwide event and Rikki is a co-city host for the Los Angeles ride.

His goal is only $2,000, so very modest (he will reach it by the end of the day I'm sure). He's been doing the ride since 2017.


If You Need A Little 'Top Gun' In Your Life

Steven Stevens was one of the many musicians that participated in the "Rock for Responders" concert last month at the USS Iowa battleship museum in San Pedro, Calif.

I happened along this video last night while scrolling for something else completely. I stopped and watched the entire clip and just appreciated the song for what it is: a great movie theme. Remember, Stevens did win a Grammy for best instrumental pop performance of the song back at the 1987 awards show.