Jani Lane Tribute Concert Set for August 29

Many bands we love will come together at the Key Club in Hollywood on August 29 to pay tribute to Jani Lane.
According to TMZ, Great White, Quiet Riot, L.A. Guns, Enuff Z'nuff and Slammin' Gladys will play the tribute gig. The promo poster promises more guest stars as well.
The concert is free and tickets are available at the Key Club box office.
If you live in California - or are planning on attending this memorial event - please send an email to allyson@bringbackglam.com - I'd love to talk to you about covering the event for this website.
Jani Lane died August 11 at the age of 47.
Reader Comments (12)
As far as I'm concerned, Warrant died when Jani did. They should be ashamed of themselves. All of them.
Now that he's in peace, they should make peace by paying respect the best way they know how -- by playing HIS songs that brought them so much success.
Let's hope they show up anyway, or at least appear as some of the special guests and join in with these bands on some of his songs.
p.s. Maybe these guys are going to do something down the road. Whether or not they are, they better realize that, while it's true, Lane wrote those songs for himself and for people to enjoy, but he also wrote them to please Warrant and Columbia Records, sometimes to his own regret ("Cherry Pie"). He did it for them, almost as much as he did it for his own survival. It makes me think about something Turner said to me that night I met him. It was a comment about singers. I won't share it here, but it always made me think twice about Turner. It's clear to me, based on that comment and his actions in recent weeks, he NEVER had respect for Lane.
The one in my family made it back from near death more than once and in nearly every way imaginable, including the last time which actually stuck.
The one from a relationship, the jury is still out on, but if I found out this person passed away, I would certainly go to a memorial for them. As bad as it got before I escaped, there were still a lot of good times that weren't alcohol fueled.
If Warrant isn't welcome at the service, I would be curious to know why. What the h*ll, the man's dead. If they can't play at this gig, whether it's their hang up or the family's, everyone, inclu ding the band, just don't know how to deal in reality.
If there only was a way to know what Jani would have wanted. I'm willing to bet he would have wanted differences to be set aside.
Nobody should blame Warrant for Jani's demise and Jani didn't kill Warrant. In fact, he kept Warrant alive way past their prime. It was Grunge that killed 'em. Unfortunately, I believe Lane let it kill a part of him, too.
I've heard Warrant dissolved the final reunion attempt because they didn't feel Lane's singing wasn't up to snuff, yet one has to wonder if it was his drinking problem that caused the final termination of the original line-up.
Look, I sympathize with Warrant. At the same time, you'd like to think all the baggage could be set aside and these guys would play. It may have to do with not knowing how to handle Robert Mason in the situation. I think that could be handled by him speaking about Lane with reverence much the way Brian Johnson handles Bon Scott's legacy.
If there is still some perceived awkwardness with Mason's or Warrant's involvement as a whole minus him, they could always show up individually, which is what they should do -- every member together and separately joining the other bands on stage, in a full and fitting tribute on the level the man deserves.
And you are right, Kenny O, this should be videotaped and sold with the proceeds, following expenses, going to whatever charity the family would choose in honor of Jani. This is how Johnny Ramone's Memorial Concert was handled. And so was Freddy Mercury's.
The memorial concert for Jani Lane would be an incredible document and testament to his talent and humanity which far outweigh his shortfalls and pitfalls.
God Bless Ya, Janie, may you be watching over the festivities regardless of who shows up and who doesn't.
But Glamrocker Arch is right in the end -- we simply don't have all the facts in to know what the real reasons are as to why Warrant isn't playin' this gig.
It would be great to get a detailed account of what transpires and what kind of tribute is payed him beyond the TMZ treatment. Jani Lane's life certainly warrants (sorry) it.
Whether it was partyin' with Junkyard, hangin' with Iggy Pop during the G'n'R concerts the Ritz or windin' up at the after party for there, I'm convinced it's because I went to the shows solo is how I got drawn into more crazy situations than had I gone with friends, where one tends not to venture out of his/her comfort level too much.
Anyway, that kinda stuff really duzn't factor into this particular situation. I say, go for it, I'm The One, but do it for the obvious reason, only if you REALLY want to genuinely honor the man. If that's your main reason for going, this will surely be one of the most memorable concerts you evere attend and it won't matter if you are by yourself or not. In fact, I would venture to say you might get more out of it attending it by yourself as you'll be more in the moment focusing on the stage and those participating than what your friends are doing or thinking about it all.
Why am I pissed at Warrant? It's because they gave up on him. Yes, they gave him a few chances but I also heard that they recently trashed him on their last album. And, I also read a couple of months back a quote from Jani that basically said he wouldn't trash Warrant because he was hoping one day that maybe they could make it work again. He had class.
And, I'm also mad because Jani was an exceptionally talented artist who created most of Warrant's past songs. I can't speak about any of the new stuff because I don't listen to it. As the writer of those songs, he deserved respect.
So, for them to trash Jani, is unspeakable to me.
Crazily, Turner was trashin' Lane's voice (behind his back) that night I had beers with Turner and his cousin I was dating after Warrant played at Limelight in NYC I mentioned in past comments. And that was at their height in 1990, when they were touring off "Cherry Pie"!
p.s. I sure wish I could make that memorial show. I wish they would make a video of it and sell it, as Kenny O suggested, for charity.