New KIX Song, 'Top Down'

KIX recently posted a couple new songs online. "Top Down" is the first track posted below. The song will be on the band's forthcoming CD. I guess the guys wanted to try it out, so they performed it live very recently.
"Top Down" is posted below and I'd like your opinion. Personally, I like the song a lot.
Here's "Can't Stop the Show." This one sounds darker than your average KIX tune, but good nonetheless. I mean, how can it not be good?! It's KIX!

Reader Comments (28)
This particular song, Luvin' With The Top Down", was a typical KIX tune. A good summertime party anthem.. I didn't see it as "dark" in any way. I thought it was a quite uplifting tune. I was actually singing this song for 3 days in a row after this show.
I dig it. I'll see 'em New Years Eve.
Ace you'll be atone awesome party. Majorly jealous and ill be be in Jamaica. :)
Kix deliver boys and girls.
Plus, they played Rock N Roll Overdose for the first time since I've been going to see them. Everytime I see them, they seem to be better, sharper, and well rehearsed.
Also - I thought this was the annual firefighters benefit? I wasn't there, so I'll take your word for it Rock-It. I just know the guys generally do a firefighter benefit are the holiday season.
Kix absolutely rocks btw.
This on is good but "Lovin' with The Top Down", their other new one is even better, like Rock-It said! Thanks for the tip, Bro! I went to YouTube last night after I read the comments but couldn't get my post to go through!
Honestly, I thought I was done with these guys (35+X!), but after hearing these new ones, I will have no prob checkin' 'em out live again on The Monsters of Rock Cruise in March. Hell, according to Whiteman in his banter from this show, the album might b out by then!
And to think they wrote all this stuff without Purnell!
Also.. I'll be announcing my "M-Pre party" line up within the next couple days...
Hope you can make it...
Did they actually write this stuff themselves or did they get outside help?
The future remains to be seen.
Or did John Palumbo, of Crack The Sky and "Blow My Fuse" fame come in to save the day? Kudos if it's all them!