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Mad Margritt Announce New 'Best Of' CD

Eddie Smith of Mad Margritt sent me this message on Facebook. He's been a reader here over the years. He loves Glam and Mad Margritt carries that torch. The band will release a new album November 19. Here's the note:

We are excited to announce that we will be releasing a new cd on November 19th entitled MAD MARGRITT: BEST OF 1999-2021. The CD is being released on the Perris Records label and will be available to purchase at all major record stores throughout the United States and overseas.

The CD will be a collection of songs from our previous CDs beginning with 1999's IN THE NAME OF ROCK all the way up to our current release LOVE, HATE AND DECEPTION. It will also feature the new song "THIEF IN THE NIGHT" which was recorded this summer along with the song "ROCK THE BLOCK" that we performed earlier this year on the HGTV show Rock The Block. There will also be a song that was recorded in 2005 called "LONELY" which was previously only available for purchase at our shows.

For those of you who prefer digital, the CD will be available to download on all major music streaming services on October 29th. Also happening on October 29th will be the worldwide premiere of our new video for the song "THIEF IN THE NIGHT."

Here's a little teaser video for the compilation album:

Reader Comments (13)

Cool. Sounds heavy. I’ll give it a stream on Spotify. What’s Eddies handle on BBG?
October 13, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
Great question, Kixchix. I was wondering the same thing.

And, not to be too on the nose, but I recall this happening before. I once questioned a person selling a book about his 'love' of this site. He respectfully answered. And then, after a few posts, nothing.

Now, I am sure Allyson knows exactly who is posting and who is viewing her site. And that's cool. I also suspect more people read than post. Also cool. I also understand that a person angling for some promo is right to pick this site. Why? Because it is great.

So back to Kixchix's query (in a fashion): Eddie, why not drop some 'special' news here about your band? Perhaps an interview? Show your love by giving BBG! readers something a bit more unique than the similar sounding/reading PR stuff you sent to Sleaze Roxx less than a week ago. Or, Eddie, if you are a reader, chime in on occasion (if you do it with a handle, like I do, I guess I wouldn't know . . . and, again, no accusations that you don't read this site. Just sayin'.).

And, just to be clear: I love the music. So this is just me pitching in for this site, while supporting Eddie and his band getting their music out there!
October 14, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
EddieLongHair perhaps…..??
October 14, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Saw these guys at South Texas Rock Fest awhile back…. Been a fan ever since.
October 14, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
Hey guys! This is Eddie from Mad Margritt. Thank you for the nice comments, I really appreciate it!! I have never posted anything in the comments section before but I am a HUGE fan of the site. It is part of my daily ritual to check the site along with a few others sites that I follow, I rarely ever miss a day. I want to say it's been 15 years now, maybe longer that I have been coming here. I am familiar with all of you and enjoy reading your comments and hearing your opinion on things. Although I don't leave comments I have been in contact with Allyson through facebook messenger for many years. I love that you all are so protective of the site and don't want people or bands coming here and using Allyson just to get exposure. Being a fan of the site, it is very exciting to have her post something about us. I apologize for not introducing myself before. I have never been a person that posts a lot of things, I just enjoy reading up on my favorite bands but I will definitely say hello from time to time from this point on. Thank you for reaching out to me and thank you again for the positive comments about my band!!
October 14, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterEddie
Cool Eddie. Cool. Thanks flying the flag. When I read your band name I hear Mad Maggot in my head. That’s sounds cool and gives me an interesting mental picture. Margritt better. Maggot funny fer some reason. Rock on
October 14, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
Thank you, Eddie!!! I truly appreciate you sharing your perspective and your approach.

I really hope you didn't see my protective post as a slam. If anything, I wish more people like you--who live and breathe the music--made their way to this site to help Allyson gain exposure. BBG! deserves more recognition than just about any other metal-based site I know or read (and I only post here, under the deep, deep cover of the secretive moniker HIM!).

I wish your band all the best. Truly. Thanks for keeping music rocking! And I plan to buy your new CD, just because I like the music and just because you were cool enough to come on here and respond. Thanks again.

By the way: I just ordered Love Hate and Deception, as well as Animal. Tried to purchase Show No Mercy, but the PayPal link was broken. Just an FYI. Oh no! Now you can figure out who I am! Trust me, it will be an underwhelming experience.
October 15, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Thank you so much!! I wasn't offended at all. It's about time I posted something on here, lol. I love this site and I love this music. I started playing music back in the 80's and never abandoned ship on the 80's style hard rock and glam that we all love. I saw most of my musician friends change their look and sound when grunge hit and I just couldn't do it. I decided that even if it meant I had no shot at making it in the music business I would rather stick to my guns rather than start playing a genre of music that I didn't like. I ended up becoming a full time musician in 1999 and somehow I've been able to support myself playing music ever since. I never reached my ultimate goal but I still have gotten to do what I love for a living and I've never turned my back on the music I love. I really appreciate you picking up a few of our cds and I promise your identity will remain a secret, lol. Also: Kixchix, I love the name Mad Maggot, lol. Every time we have a bad show from this point on I am going to call it a Mad Maggot show!! Not sure why the link isn't working for Show No Mercy but I will check into it, thanks for letting me know.
October 15, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterEddie
While some of us enjoy the music, you live the life, Eddie. More power to you.

And, circling back to my previous comments, I really do think an interview with Allyson exploring how you made 'living that life' work would be amazing. You know, the nuts and bolts of it. Allyson has done excellent interviews. I bet the readers would love it. I know I would.

One final question (I am being a pest now, I know): did you like any of the grunge music? Just curious.

And thanks for keeping my secrets, well, secret, Eddie! If you ever make it out towards the Northwest portion of the US, count me as an attendee.
October 16, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
I would totally be up for an interview with Allyson if she ever wanted to do one with me, that would be awesome! As far as the grunge, I liked a few Alice In Chains songs and I thought Chris Cornell was a really great singer but for the most part I wasn't really into any of it. It's not that I don't like heavy music, I love Dio, Maiden, Sabbath and early Metallica but grunge just never really did it for me.
October 16, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterEddie
Totally get it, Eddie. For me, Soundgarden and Alice were the tops of that era (and I, generally speaking, liked their newer releases). I also thought Screaming Trees was great, as singer Lanegan had an almost Morrison or Astbury sounding voice.

And you aren't going to get any complaints from me when it comes to Dio, Maiden, and Sabbath! Heck, I am one of those nutters who actually loved Sab's _Born Again_ (putting aside the bath water production values). Then again, I also love Purple! And Metallica, up to _Puppets_, were untouchable to me . . . even if the ferocity on early-era Slayer albums was also impressive.

Thanks for the reply, Eddie. I certainly hope you and Allyson do an interview. I would love to hear more about your history. Take care.
October 17, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
F*ck Grunge, HIM!

Geezus, I can’t believe you wasted Eddie’s frickin’ time with that sh*t!

Naturally, I’m semi-kidding, here, HIM …

I saw Alice In Chains open for Extreme at The Cat Club in NYC back in the day, and needless to say, they blew Extreme off the stage to the point where you realized what a laffable band name “Extreme” is because they’re absolutely anything but that! …

And pretty much anyone else who got up on stage thereafter in the years that followed.

Eddie, been jammin’ on your stuff since you guys came out thanks to iTunes!
October 23, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Eddie, just got my two CDs and listened to both of them start to finish. Great music. Though the band members have changed over time, it is clear that you are doing right by rock music.

Again, all the best. Thanks for sharing with us.
October 24, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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