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The Difference Between Jon Bon Jovi and Vince Neil Live

Bon Jovi is on tour right now. By all accounts, a lot of the shows are sounding rough. Looking through YouTube, it is hard to disagree with this. Jon Bon Jovi has been pretty upfront, talking about how hard Covid-19 hit him and it messed up his voice and stamina. Bon Jovi is doing live songs in a lower key these days and that is good.

Now, Jon does not sound as rough as Vince Neil but I have seen some comparisons online. That isn't fair because there is a major difference here: it is pretty clear Jon is still trying as hard as he can and Vince... doesn't. I have seen Motley Crue live in concert more than a dozen times and Vince Neil solo a whole bunch too, so it isn't like I'm not a big fan. I'm just calling a spade a spade here. For my money in 2022, I would choose Bon Jovi over Motley Crue live, even knowing both singers are struggling these days. What do you think?

Reader Comments (6)

The answer is neither. I have seen both a dozen times in their prime, so they have enough of my dollars. Still love the records and songs and play the all the time!

But today, I would much rather spend $20 bucks and drink money to see a great cover band that plays in original key faithful to the songs with the look of the 80’s. Plenty good ones out there. Rock on!
April 10, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterSteverox
my 2 cents - at the risk of ridicule - i do think vince is trying. on stage that is. it’s just that his off stage apathy has led to on stage limitations. but yes, it is not fair to compare these two based on current reasons for diminished abilities.i’ve seem crûe/vince a ton of times since ‘90 and vince was always limiting in his act. only seen bj once (8 years ago or so) and it was great but no need to go back anymore.
April 10, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterstu
For my money, in 2022, I go see L.A. Guns, Tesla, or Michael Monroe.
April 10, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterMike
No ridicule, Stu. But you are a singer (not you, Stu, but the 'hypothetical' singer). So what you do off-stage has a significant impact on what you do on-stage, perhaps more so than for other musicians. If you are gargling cheese fries and drinking until your voice is toast, you bring that with you. Just an observation.

I've never been a fan of An Chovi. You all know that. I like one song. And I give him credit for his charity (see next post). But methinks that this COVID-19 explanation doesn't ring true (or, at least, fully true). I have heard enough of his live stuff on Sirius/XM to know that he has sounded like a spent-frog on-stage for years, pre-COVID-19. I think there is a certain type of LSD that creates a bubble beyond which the singer can't actually hear how he sounds. And I also think that it is understandable. People want to hear you. You want to be heard (and paid, and loved, and adored, like you were back when you were a shiny oenny). And so a certain degree of self-delusion is helped (or is it hurt?) by a group of friendly 'yes' people . . . and a group of fans who don't really care one way or another if they get to see you. Again, understandable.

But do I think he _tries_ more than Neil does? Sure. Easy. No bet needed. And if his fans want to hear that, so be it. Have fun. Spoken word singing backed by a live band playing slower than slow is not my idea of a night out on the town. But I am not his demographic. And I say that as a person who has paid to see Dokken play live in recent years. So I know that of which I speak!
April 11, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Bon Jovi is tuned down a minor third in Allyson's clip there (I think ... swamped with work so I don't have tons of time to figure stuff out). But for what it's worth, Bon Jovi started tuning down for Living On A Prayer a long, long time ago. This clip, from the 1989 MTV VMAs, is down a half step (E-flat minor) from the original (E minor), and JBJ doesn't even try to hit the really high ones. Sambora didn't have any trouble, but that's a topic for another time. :)
April 11, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterGogmagog
I nod to a true musician, Gogmagog. I hear it and say what I think. You listen and can actually hear the nuances. As a result, on topics like this, I will defer to you.
April 15, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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