The Difference Between Jon Bon Jovi and Vince Neil Live

Now, Jon does not sound as rough as Vince Neil but I have seen some comparisons online. That isn't fair because there is a major difference here: it is pretty clear Jon is still trying as hard as he can and Vince... doesn't. I have seen Motley Crue live in concert more than a dozen times and Vince Neil solo a whole bunch too, so it isn't like I'm not a big fan. I'm just calling a spade a spade here. For my money in 2022, I would choose Bon Jovi over Motley Crue live, even knowing both singers are struggling these days. What do you think?

Reader Comments (6)
But today, I would much rather spend $20 bucks and drink money to see a great cover band that plays in original key faithful to the songs with the look of the 80’s. Plenty good ones out there. Rock on!
I've never been a fan of An Chovi. You all know that. I like one song. And I give him credit for his charity (see next post). But methinks that this COVID-19 explanation doesn't ring true (or, at least, fully true). I have heard enough of his live stuff on Sirius/XM to know that he has sounded like a spent-frog on-stage for years, pre-COVID-19. I think there is a certain type of LSD that creates a bubble beyond which the singer can't actually hear how he sounds. And I also think that it is understandable. People want to hear you. You want to be heard (and paid, and loved, and adored, like you were back when you were a shiny oenny). And so a certain degree of self-delusion is helped (or is it hurt?) by a group of friendly 'yes' people . . . and a group of fans who don't really care one way or another if they get to see you. Again, understandable.
But do I think he _tries_ more than Neil does? Sure. Easy. No bet needed. And if his fans want to hear that, so be it. Have fun. Spoken word singing backed by a live band playing slower than slow is not my idea of a night out on the town. But I am not his demographic. And I say that as a person who has paid to see Dokken play live in recent years. So I know that of which I speak!