You Might Be A Glam Fan If...
This could be fun. I wonder if I can think of 10 ways to spot a Glam fan? Lets see...
10. You might be a Glam fan spend your entire vacation budget to stand in a field in the middle of Oklahoma for four days in 110 degree heat to relive a little of your childhood.
9. You might be a Glam fan can *still* spot Adam Curry a mile away.
8. You might be a Glam fan can sing every word of "Babylon." Extra points for mimicking Taime Downe's voice!
7. You might be a Glam fan work in corporate America but secretly wear a Motley Crue T-shirt underneath your dress clothes.
6. You might be a Glam fan still buy Metal Edge in hopes that at least one "good" band will get a mention.
5. You might be a Glam fan can quickly and succinctly explain the legal issues surrounding the two touring versions of L.A. Guns.
4. You might be a Glam fan spend your entire winter dreaming about spring just so you can hear the summer concert schedule.
3. You might be a Glam fan go into withdrawal every time MetalSludge goes down (three days and counting!)
2. You might be a Glam fan select "Heaven" as your wedding song.
1. You might be a Glam fan quit a job because you can't get time off to see your favorite band.
Don't agree with my list? How do you spot a Glam fan?
Reader Comments (24)
Well done Allyson!
cos i hate other newer stuff so i listen to newer and older glam
visit this site on a daily basis
know every single note, word, and line by motley
have more than 3 poison shirts
of you still use aqua net