Best Overlooked Power Ballads?

Awhile back, dedicated BBG! reader Travis wrote in with that question as a topic suggestion. I think the question is brilliant. For his part, Travis suggested Tesla's “What You Give” as one of the best overlooked Glam power ballads.
For me, I think one of the best overlooked power ballads has to be “I Will Remember” by Queensryche. Everyone here knows I love Queensryche, but “I Will Remember” never gets much praise. If you don't remember (ha!), the song is from Rage for Order.
Does “Sister Christian” count? I like Night Ranger and I always dig singing along with the band in concert...but seems like people don't mention “Sister Christian” much when we talk about power ballads. So, I guess I cheated and selected two songs, but that's okay. You can too. Tell me, what are your choices for best overlooked power ballad? Please, no “I Remember You” on this list!
Reader Comments (52)
"Phoenix Rising" by Annihilator
Forever One
I'm A Prisoner of Your Love
Hey, did you live in Annapolis during the Charlie's West Side days? Saw The Ravyns there lots... No, people, the band called The Ravyns... Not the football team... I also used to see Kix when they were The Shooz at Maude's, also in Annapolis!
Where you livin' now?
Agree with some overlooked power ballads already mentioned:
Queensryche - I Will Remember is an amazing song, especially acoustically. 10x better than Silent Lucidity, IMHO. Plus, Della Brown rules too.
Skid Row - Quicksand Jesus (mentioned several times, and rightfully so) and Wasted Time. I'll put these right up there with I Remember You and 18 & Life.
Dokken - Walk Away. Dokken was so underrated, and still is today. Powerful song; Don shines here.
Twisted Sister - The Price. Great power ballad for a band that always rocked out hard. This should've been a big hit for them.
Damn Good - David Lee Roth. For all those who think that Dave always has to scream on every song, check out this acoustic nugget. Great stuff from Dave.
Great White - Save Your Love was the obvious hit, and a great song. But let's not forget House of Broken Love.
Now on to the more obscure stuff:
Jelly Roll - Blue Murder
Feels Like a Hammer - Dangerous Toys
Four Winds - Tangier - off their 1st record, with the original lead singer, Bill Mattson. Fantastic.
Mr. Big - Had Enough. Never cared for their 'hits', but always thought this was an unappreciated gem.
Summerland - King's X. They are so underrated that it's criminal. Even at BBG, sadly... Not exactly glam, but amazing nonetheless.
And finally, my favorite overlooked power ballad:
Seasons - Badlands. Amazing song. Ray Gillen and Jake E. Lee made great music together, brief as it was. RIP Ray.
Some newer / post-glam overlooked power ballads:
Down In a Hole - Alice In Chains. One of my all-time favorites.
Beyond the Sun - Shinedown
Skeleton Song and/or Angel's Son - Sevendust. I don't really understand why this band isn't more popular. Both of these songs could've been huge hits, and even crossed over to crappy pop and top 40 radio.
Again, great topic!
kick ass song
Why anyone mentioned House of Lords - Remember My Name or Ratt - Givin' Yourself Away ?????
Of course I agree with most of these choices...but they aren't overlooked at all...
Craaft - You're the best thing in my life
Craaft - Now that you're gone
If anyone can help, i'd appreciate it so much.