MTV Drops 'Music Television' Tag, End of the Glam Era

MTV has a new logo. Basically, the powers-that-be dropped the "music television" tag line. It's about time. Hell, if the network isn't going to play videos, then why be "music television?" At this point they might as well be the "cheap, youth driven reality show" network. But whatever.
MTV execs didn't exactly shout the logo change from the rooftops. They sort of buried the news. I mean, why wouldn't they? Changing of the logo and dropping "music television" just affirms what everyone has said for years and years now. The good news is that with the Internet, there's no reason for bands to spend a ton of cash on videos and then ship them to a network where they'll never get aired. At least with YouTube, bands can scratch together a few thousand bucks, do a video and shove it online and force their own buzz. The days of MTV making or breaking a band are long gone.
I suppose MTV officially changing course really is the end of an era. After all, I'm a member of the MTV generation. The bands we all love and discuss here daily were a huge part of the music network. Video really did kill the radio star. Then again, Internet killed (or birthed, depending on your opinion) the modern rock star.
The question remains: do we even need MTV anymore? I say no. What's the point? I've got a zillion channels thanks to my satellite. I rarely - if ever - watch MTV. It's just not necessary for a music lover anymore. In fact, MTV is about as current as Myspace. Truth.
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