RATT's new single 'Best of Me' is Basically Awesome

There's no mistaking Warren DeMartini's guitar tone. From the first five seconds of the song, you know you're listening to RATT. "Best of Me" is very slick, and there are polished sing-along choruses, but don't worry: this is still RATT. Stephen Pearcy's voice sounds great on the track and makes me look forward to hearing the song live. It was time for RATT to release new music and changing up the set list will be welcomed by fans like me. Like many, I was also curious how Carlos Cavazo's guitar work would blend with Warren's. Hearing the old songs live versus new stuff is totally different. I gotta say, I'm loving Carlos in RATT. Bottom line: April needs to hurry up and get here because I need Infestation now! What say you? Listen below.

Reader Comments (31)
I agree, Bob's point about the compression is totally valid (and my tinny computer speakers don't help either). But altogether, I've never been a big Ratt fan, and yet I'd listen to this. I dunno, *shrug* maybe it helps that I'm not looking for the Ratt they used to be. If this was a song by any other band... it's still a decent, listenable piece of rock.
But that's just my two cents. :] Like I said: never been a big Ratt fan in the past.
As for the song, sure it doesn't break any new ground, and I have to agree that parts of the mix sound a little off - but it is better than I honestly expected to be. And that includes Pearcy's voice, which has not always been consistent as of late, particularly in a live setting (great at ROK '07, not-so-great at ROK '08). Still, I enjoyed the song, and I'm looking forward to their new release in April.
For what it's worth, my $.02... "Detonator" is great, but "Out of the Cellar" is a timeless classic, and a glam-metal masterpiece. Ah, the days of "Round and Round" and "Wanted Man"...
I'll wait to pass judgement on the production 'till I have the actual CD, since it could very easily be better than whatever was used to get this online.
and MetalBoy! don't kid yourself...it was more than a lack of quality that put a needle in Robbin's arm. The needle in his arm was the REASON for the lack of quality in the music and the band. The poor guy was an addict, for better or worse it had nothing to do with the music.
GO SAINTS! (ya gotta love anything BLACK-n-GOLD! especially if you're from PITTSBURGH!) LOL
I've had a good feeling about this album for a long time, and this song has proven me right.
*I am with ya' SWEET LOU, on the "Van Halen-esque" guitar sound. I even joked about it (another review, another forum) sounding like a "garage Van Halen" (dirty) guitar tone with a bit too much reverb! So I was glad that someone else in the world actually heard that too.
**Perhaps it was Carlos? Not to knock him (I think he is good) but no one in prev. RATT incarnations had a "tone" like that. Who knows, but it IS
I was going to chime in again with my original thoughts, however METALBOY! pretty much expressed my sentiments almost exactly...albeit in two rather long-winded posts! ;)
Other thoughts worth mentioning again:
This is not a demo or "pre-production"! This is the actual song that was posted on Roadrunner's website (their new record label kiddos).
Yes for us "more-experience" listeners (and some producers) out there: we do know exactly what streaming MP3 compression sounds like by now and also from the You Tube upload, which the one that I picked actually sounded slightly (maybe 5-10%) BETTER than directly from R.R.'s website. weird...
So take it or leave it, it's the REAL deal and this is what your MP3 is going to sound like from I-Tunes when you plop down your $0.99. Ok, so I am glad we have out of the way!
Now hopefully the rest of the album will not sound like this single - but I doubt it, cause IMO if they were OK with this, their (very important) comeback single, then most likely the rest will probably sound about the same. Boy, do I hope I am wrong-o!
(Sound quality) Side Note:
A lot of musicians are not aware of the modern over compression that's out of control and some are probably not bothered to check into it, some I am sure just "trust" the engineers and or producers/mixing/mastering engineers.
This sounds like it was recorded "in the box" (google it non musicians out there)to me and cut n' pasted together like crazy as someone prev. mentioned.It doesn't sound anything like their great previous/famous releases in larger studios (with a bigger budget too I presume) and that's a damn shame cause' I am a RATT fan and I was expecting better sound quality.
Damn it, I wasn't going make this long-winded (must be the espresso talking again!).Anyway,
I am curious, so I would like to get the facts as to which happened:
A. They cut corners and just did it themselves. Figured "whatever" was good enough. After all, it's the name that sells RATT records perhaps?
B. They worked their butt off, had great guitar tones in the studio and fat/punchy drums but it was not recorded and or captured correctly (or as good as it could have been) given the level of their musicianship and pro gear available to them.
C. None of the above and or whoever mixed it (I don't even know BTW) pretty much sucked.
D. None of the above but whoever Mastered it (I don't know that either) el'suckos.
*usually everyone involved starts to point backwards in this situation (look at the METALLICA sound quality fiasco on their last release).
I tend to think "C" from the multiple choice above.
However, all kidding and grumbling aside, if the songs jam then I will and can get over it, but when you have average (or slightly above average) songs and playing, then that's when it gets harder to swallow the "whole package".
Time will tell.
countdown in progress...
Curt King
Demolish Mag.
Nice stroke from RATT... will definatley support and purchase the Album.
Pleasently suprised.
Seattle Still Rocks,
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