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You Can't Make This Up - Bret Michaels Style

Here's one for the "you can't make this up" file: Bret Michaels has his own cologne now. Called Roses & Thorns, Bret is selling the scent on his website for $60 bucks a bottle. What's more, he created the craziest, cheekiest, most ridiculous promo video for the stuff, too. I'll be honest, when I watched the commercial (or whatever it is) I laughed really hard for a really long time. I mean, we're talking theatre of the absurd here, people. At some point, we have to ask ourselves "Is this real life?" First Phil Lewis debuts some perfume, now Bret has his own scent. I think these guys are running out of things to monetize.

If you want a bottle of the perfume, you can pre-order. No word when the scent officially hits the streets.

Reader Comments (28)

No, Jakkie, I saw Michaels headline M3 and it was a travesty! I later found out the Promoter was kickin' himself for not booking Poison instead.
November 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Hahaha!!!, HIM! One of your best posts yet! Right up there with your best. Absolutely killarious! Kudos!
November 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
What was so bad about the concert you saw. I saw him live before & it was great. His setlist is pretty much the same as a Poison concert. It's not a bad way to spend a night. Tickets were cheap & I loved all of the songs he did.

Of course It's not the same as a Poison concert but I knew that going in.
November 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJakki Steal
Each and every product was and is in fact legit, Devon. So I guess it was just a case of "truth is stranger than fiction" being (honestly) taken as "drunk is weirder than sober." Trust me, I didn't need a sip or a hit or rail to conjure up those products!

Besides, my humor is an acquired taste. But my point was that the marketing of 80s and 90s stars (metal, glam, what have you) in the 10s is often a strained attempt at holding on to one market while catering to a different one or several demographics all at once. It becomes quite a jumble (at best) or waters down the original brand and intent (at worst). And I hope it wasn't lost that I admire it, brand-wise, as far as it goes. Still, some of the juxtapositions are a bit jarring.

I love the music. I like to comment. But I don't really need to be hip or cool (putting aside the question of whether I _could_ be either). Point in fact, some of these products are far worse than my failed attempts at humor.

So thanks for asking Devon. I hope I clarified.

PS: Fletch, those bottles haunt our memories. Do you remember a ghastly scent called _Fluid_? What in the hell was I thinking?!!?
November 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHim
. . . and thanks, Metalboy! I haven't been able to spend as much time here as I like recently (work has a way of doing that). So when I do get a chance, I try to dig deep.

But you and the rest keep things rolling. So I always feel right at home when I return.

Allyson has created a great space for music fans. I think we are all lucky.
November 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Him: haven't heard of fluid, but in a few moments of trying to be even cooler (trying the operative word), I did dabble in cool water (hence the name) and bowling green. Also, a few years ago, I bought my bestie's wife "gene simmons alive for women" as a gag certainly made her gag.
November 21, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
My bad, it makes a lot more sense to me now. I thought you were just making stuff up out of thin air. I kinda don't know whether to laugh at your post or cry at the fact that those are all real products.
November 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDevon
Fletch: history is littered with bad choices . . . thankfully, smells don't even crack the Top 100! And I didn't even know that Simmons had a scent out. Not that it is surprising given his penchant for monetizing everything.

Devon: no worries. I, too, have to pause every now and again when one of my favorites so casually diminishes their value (if only in my eyes) by slapping their name on a product.

Besides, Devon, I got one (slightly) wrong: Maiden's beer is an ale, not a lager. If you want one of the latter, you need to buy the AC/DC brand (again, I am serious)!
November 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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