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Entries by Allyson B. Crawford (6759)


Wonderful Tonight

vanhalen.jpgTonight's the night, glam fans...time for the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony in New York City.

We'll finally see - up close and personal - the spectacle that has become Van Halen.

It will be interesting to see which band members actually show up, and which ones snub the ceremony. While Eddie Van Halen just entered rehab, I'm not 100% sure he has the cahones to ignore such a "career highlight. " Alex hasn't really given a press statement on his plans for the ceremony. I doubt he's with Eddie drying-out.

When the nominations were announced months ago, it seemed everyone in the music world agreed that Van Halen were a lock to earn induction. After all, Van Halen is a real American rock band, the likes of which we rarely see today.

Tonight's ceremony isn't only about Van Halen. Patti Smith, alternative whiners R.E.M., Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, and the Ronettes will also enjoy the world spotlight.

Naturally, I think the only band on the list deserving of an induction is Van Halen. Grandmaster Flash has no business in the Hall because he's not a rock star. The world has enough rap and hip-hop thank you very much.

So, why is the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame turning against rock artists? Is this a statement on our modern times? A glance forward instead of backward? Does the Hall feel the need to jump on the pop culture - MTV bandwagon disowning bands that made the network a huge success,  in favor of artists created in the studio and who record songs at the Hit Factory?

There's a reason Van Halen garnered the most press when the nominations were announced at the end of 2006. For once, music journalists were excited. It seemed the Hall was redeeming itself. Too bad the shenanigans of Eddie, Alex, David, Sammy, and Michael have ruined this year's induction for me, their other fans, and even casual viewers. Shame on Van Halen. For that matter, shame on the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame.

If you care, VH1 classic will air the induction ceremony live tonight starting at 8:30 EST. If you don't have cable, you can watch via a live Internet stream on







Rock n' Roll Clown

metalmania.jpgI finally purchased Vh1 Classic Metal Mania Stripped 3. While there are a few low notes, the album is more hit than miss.

Third in the VH1 acoustic series, the album includes the tracks:


Poison- Unskinny Bop
Shaw/Blades - High Enough
Tesla - Signs
Winger - Headed for a Heartbreak
Dokken - In My Dreams
Firehouse - When I Look Into Your Eyes
Ratt - Way Cool Jr.
Jani Lane - Heaven
Autograph - Turn Up the Radio
Tom Keifer - Nobody's Fool
Kix - Don't Close Your Eyes
Eric Martin - Just Take My Heart
Queensryche - The Killing Words
Slaughter - Up All Night
Accept - Balls to the Wall

Perhaps the best performance on the album is the Firehouse track. Originally recorded for their 1996 release Good Acoustics, "When I Look Into Your Eyes" is a solid performance and the quality sounds very close to the original single release.

Kip Winger delivers a home run with his new recording of "Headed for a Heartbreak." I can say the same for Shaw/Blades and their rendition of "High Enough."

It's always a little alarming to hear a metal song turned acoustic for the first time, and sometimes the unplugged versions just don't work. Mark Slaughter sings about half the words on "Up All Night."  That track was taken from a live performance at the Key Club, and it sounds like the crowd was having a good time. I think executive producer Jamie Talbot made a mistake allowing this song on the album. Then again, executive producers often make many mistakes.

On first listen of "Way Cool Jr." I was disappointed. After a few spins, I changed my mind and I actually think the track is pretty good. Taken from MTV Unplugged, it sounds like Stephen Pearcy was in a good mood and willing to work.

Also interesting is Poison's acoustic take on "Unskinny Bop." I do love Poison, but at times guitarist C.C. DeVille is completely off key. I think at one point Bret Michaels sings the wrong words.

The album art and liner notes leave a lot to be desired. Radio and VH1 Classic host Eddie Trunk provides two paragraphs of worthless notes, including the sentence "Yes, my friends in hard rock and metal, it's OK to like this stuff and be proud of it; it's become an entire generation's classic rock."

Gee. I don't even know what to do with a statement so...pointless.

I should probably note that I am a firm believer that metal should be plugged in and LOUD. I don't really care for acoustic performances, but the relentless marketing campaign during Metal Mania sucked me in and I felt I had to own this disc. If you like acoustic performances then you should probably buy the album too. If you prefer your metal more pure, save your 15 bucks for beer.

Sidenote: Kudos to Hairball John for making it into the liner notes. Also, there's a new Bring Back Glam posting over at



Hot 100

Fireworks.jpgIf a sitcom reaches 100 episodes, the cast celebrates with a giant butter cream sheet cake and a snippet is aired on Entertainment Tonight.

If you reach 100 years young, you earn the distinction of a centenarian.

Journalists and historians measure "the first hundred days" of a new presidency.

It's been said that if you do something - anything - daily for three months, you develop the practice as habit. I can assure you, glam fans, that writing this blog is definitely more than habit.

If you haven't guessed, today marks the 100th entry right here on Bring Back Glam!

If you're new to the site, I encourage you to take a moment to click through the archives to the right of the screen. Highlights include White Lightning, A Town Called Hypocrisy, But We Finally Made the News, and Hell of High Heels (Part Duex).

Today in looking back, looking forward I'd like to highlight one of America's most influential bands and a rising star.

I am very sad over the death of Brad Delp, lead singer of Boston.

Police say that Delp died alone in his home with no indication of foul play.

If you've ever listened to commercial rock radio for at least an hour, you've heard "More Than a Feeling," a stadium rock anthem of more than epic proportions.

Delp was born in Danvers, Massachusetts in 1951. (Danvers holds a special historical place in my heart. The site of the Salem With Trials way back in 1692. This, my friends, is an entirely different blog!). I own Boston on vinyl. There's a reason the band's debut album has sold more than 17 million copies in America alone. A quick check of reveals the album is the 69th best seller today. I figure by the end of the weekend, Boston will be in the top 25.

That's quite a feat considering the album was originally released in 1976.

Out of the past and into the future.

Kristen Korvette (has there ever been a more glam moniker?) is making a go of it in the music business. Like Twilight of the Idols the music doesn't sound like Winger, but it definitely has a glam edge, fueled with sex appeal and catchy hooks.

On her official Myspace page, Kristen lists Hookers N' Blow as one of her main influences! She also features a photo of a black lipstick. Since I love black everything (hair, clothes, shoes, hats, sunglasses, nail polish) this reigns supreme in my book.

Right now, Kristen has two songs featured on her site, "Hard Act to Swallow" and "7 Minutes in Heaven."  Both are really good, and I can totally see them getting play in a random New York City hot spot. I prefer "Hard Act to Swallow" because it's a little more edgy and the vocals a little cleaner. Kristen's voice reminds me a little of PJ Harvey...only better.

Kristen Korvette is on the indie label Ikonik Audio.

















One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

evh.jpgLike a jester jangling the keys before the king, Eddie Van Halen has checked into rehab. Five days before Van Halen's induction into the rock n' roll hall of fame. Hours after David Lee Roth announces he isn't "allowed" to perform at the ceremony.

Don't worry, glam fans. Velvet Revolver will be there to make it all better.

Here's the guitar god's statement, released on

'"I would like Van Halen fans to know how much I truly appreciate each and every one of you. Without you there is no Van Halen.

I have always and will always feel a responsibility to give you my best. At the moment I do not feel that I can give you my best. That's why I have decided to enter a rehabilitation facility to work on myself, so that in the future I can deliver the 110% that I feel I owe you and want to give you.

Some of the issues surrounding the 2007 Van Halen tour are within my ability to change and some are not. As far as my rehab is concerned, it is within my ability to change and change for the better. I want you to know that is exactly what I'm doing, so that I may continue to give you the very best I am capable of.

I look forward to seeing you in the future better than ever and I thank you with all my heart.'"

The glam mistress can't help but wonder if Eddie's porn publicist -cum- girlfriend - cum - rock manager is behind the statement and decision.

If you've been following the Van Halen reunion saga, you know the story is better than an old re-reun of Dallas.

"Who shot J.R.?!"
"What did Sammy say to the Associated Press?!"


Give me a break. Make no mistake, glam fans, Van Halen as a group are rock royalty and it really doesn't matter who is behind the microphone. David Lee Roth had a great ten year run with the boys, so did Sammy Hagar. The way they are ineffectually handling this induction honor is putting a major tarnish on a great musical career.

In his heyday, no one could touch Eddie Van Halen.

No one.

I guess that's why I don't understand why Van Halen couldn't get it together for three minutes on Monday night at the induction ceremony. Let Roth sing a little of "Jump." Let Sammy sing a few bars of "Poundcake."

Let Eddie try to play "Eruption," the song that changed the lives of a million guitarists.

I wish Eddie much luck in rehab. It's been a long time coming, and the booze is killing a once great musician.

Sidenote: Be sure to check back tomorrow for a special 100th post celebration!




Like a Rolling Stone

lizzy.jpgThere's a weekly writing contest running right now over at Each week, the editors develop a new topic and would-be rock writers submit their best work.

Last week the topic was something along the lines of selling a band on the cusp of making it big. I decided to enter the contest, hopeful of a win because the prize has life-changing possibilities: a 3 month gig with Rolling Stone.

Shockingly, I didn't win. Part of me wonders if my submission simply wasn't good enough. The other part of me wonders if the editors actually read every entry. I must admit the semi-finalists didn't impress me.

Naturally, I chose to write about Vains of Jenna. I decided to post my losing article here since I try to do whatever I can to publicize my favorite Swedish rockers:

“I’ve got a bad reputation just from having fun” warns Vains of Jenna front man Lizzy DeVine during the song “Set it Off.”

Guitarist Nicki Kin, drummer Jacki Stone, bassist JP White and DeVine make up the Falkenberg, Sweden born and Los Angeles based rock band.

Formed at the dawn of 2005, the quartet knew they had a rare combination of skill, bravado and drive to become big in the often cutthroat music industry.

Fast-forward one year and the boys are discovered by Tuff lead singer Stevie Rachelle.  

A deal with Filthy Note Records soon followed as did the full length debut Lit Up/Let Down.

Touring relentlessly with the likes of Wednesday 13 and Hookers N’ Blow, Vains of Jenna continue to amass a steady following, thanks in part to strong media coverage. In their young career the Swedish rockers have created a press splash, appearing in Metal Edge, Spin, Rock City News, Strutter and many more. On the MTV series Bam’s Unholy Union the track “Don’t Give a Damn” plays during the opening credits. Peppered throughout the series are many Vains of Jenna references, appropriate considering Bam Margera owns Filthy Note Records.

At each live performance, Vains of Jenna usher in a new wave of glam metal goodness fueled with a reverence for the past. Sounding like Mötley Crüe, Guns N’ Roses and a touch of Faster Pussycat, Vains of Jenna rock the stage with a unique sound that is both classic and inventive.


By the way, VOJ are featured in this month's issue of Classic Rock magazine. I figure Rolling Stone was put-off by an actual rock band. Heaven forbid we publicize music that the magazine is built on. After all, we've got trends to follow and emo bands to immortalize.





I Smell a Rat

vincejpg.jpgSomething funny is going on inside the Motley Crue camp, and I don' t like it one bit.

Allow me to back-up and start from the beginning.

I had big plans to see Quiet Riot this Friday night. When I went to to buy my tickets, I was less than pleased to find the show CANCELLED.

Then, this bulletin:

"Hi Bob - We just got back from vacation and the first message I heard was from the management of Quiet Riot....They need to reschedule the date. They were to play the day after your date in Owensboro KY with Vince Neal, however, Vince is in the hospital and Owensboro would not take the show with just Quiet Riot because they had advertised for both they rescheduled. They want to know if you can do July 12...same price (and more time to sell it out!). Please let me know so I can get back to them. Thanks.
Linda Walker SPEER ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES P O Box 2620 - McDonough, GA 30253 770-957-0768 Fax-770-914-2278"

Notice how the promoter incorrectly spelled Vince Neil's name.

Then, today the news bulletin that Vince Neil has cancelled  his Australian tour.  From

"According to Ticketek, Motley Crue frontman Vince Neil's previously announced "first-ever" solo tour of Australia — which was scheduled to kick off late March — has been cancelled. No reason was given for the cancellation."

I believe the tour down under was canned because of poor ticket sales. Unless, of course, my Vince is near death in a random hospital.

Now, fans all over the Internet are speculating what is wrong with Neil.

The cynic in me can't help but wonder if "hospital" means "rehab."

Plans are still in the works for the 11th annual Skylar Neil Memorial Golf Tournament set for May 4, 2007.

If you're not familiar, Skylar Neil died from cancer at a very young age. Since her death in 1995, Vince has raised more than a million dollars for cancer and AIDS research.  

Whatever the case, I hope Vince recovers and that he really isn't sick. Part of me feels guilty for caring about a perfect stranger so much. On the other hand, the music of Motley Crue has brought me a lot more enjoyment than most of the people I know or work with!

Motley Crue is managed by 10th Street Entertainment ( Neither that site, or has an official release about Vince or the tour cancellation. Your intrepid reporter is on the case. If I learn new information, I'll post details here.












Anti-Christ Supercenter

Tuesday means music and movie releases and today I went in search to two new albums.

The first being Vh1 Classic Metal Mania Stripped 3 the other Shaw-Blades Influence. Commericals for both albums are running like crazy on VH1 Classic, and both are advertised for sale at Wal-Mart.

First let me say I hate Wal-Mart. I try to avoid shopping at the low-price mecca. Remember glam fans, you get what you pay for.

Now a confession: I went to a local Wal-Mart Supercenter in search of both discs. I've been wanting both for two weeks, and I thought some new music would lift my spirits and help get me through the day.

When I finally made it to the electronics department I searched high and low for the new discs. I couldn't find a stand for new releases anywhere. In fact, I didn't even see a stand for new DVD releases. So I searched and walked in circles desperate for my new music.

I couldn't find either CD.

On my last ditch pass of the music section, I saw The Best of Slaughter for 5 bucks. I snatched the disc and took off for the cash register. After all, if I lower myself to Wal-Mart I'm going to come out with something.

Now, I only had a few minutes to listen to my new Slaughter CD because the Wal-Mart is fairly close to work.

The album includes the tracks:

Up All Night
Mad About You
The Wild Life
That's Not Enough
Out For Love
Days Gone By
Dance for Me Baby
Gave Me Your Heart
Killin' Time

I am a little baffled that "Fly to the Angels" isn't part of the compilation. I'm also confused that the album is on a Capitol Records imprint, distributed through EMI. Yes, Slaughter was on Capitol Records back in the day, but of course this isn't the case now. I assume this was some sort of contract fulfilment deal.

This affordable best-of package was released October 17, 2006.

Expect reviews of Influence and Metal Mania Stripped Volume 3 in the days ahead.