Looking Forward To...

There are quite a few albums slated for release in 2007:
Chinese Democracy - Guns N' Roses (but don't hold your breath)
Demo Anthology - Winger
Good to be Bad - Whitesnake
Dominator - W.A.S.P.
Liberated - Velvet Revolver
A new Motley Crue disc (plus the release of The Dirt movie and The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx)
A new Aerosmith disc
A Great White reunion tour and album
KISS tour and DVD
Plus, Dio and Black Sabbath are planning a major tour with album (The Dio Years - Black Sabbath)
Poison frontman Bret Michaels is also slated to star on a new VH1 reality show about rock stars and groupies.
I think about half of these things will happen. I doubt Motley Crue will release a new disc by the end of 2007, and I feel the same way about Aerosmith.
I hope I'm wrong, but only time will tell.
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