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Heart Shaped Box

heart4.gifIt’s Valentine’s Day, glam fans.

A time for true love. A warm embrace. A great power ballad.

What would the holiday of amore be without a great power ballad? After all, we have glam bands to thank for the melodic music of love and loss.

Even if they didn’t really invent the genre, Motley Crue is credited for popularizing the power ballad with “Home Sweet Home,” off Theatre of Pain.

 Of course, the Crue were met with a lot of flack for their very popular, chart topping tune and die hard metal heads said Theatre of Pain was a little too slick for their liking.

According to VH1 Classic, the number one power ballad of all time is Journey’s Open Arms. I don’t agree with this because I think the honor needs to go to a band more akin to the glam scene.

For me, two songs tie for the best power ballad of all time:

“Love Bites” by Def Leppard and “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” by Poison. (Both hits come in at number 8 and 7, respectively on the aforementioned VH1 Classic list).

Is it a coincidence that the power ballad was typically a band’s most successful song and the tune that more people identify with, however so unfair?

My two picks for the best power ballad of all time are each band’s only number 1 hit.

In fact, “Don’t Want to Miss a Thing,” written by Diane Warren and performed by the bad boys from Boston is the only Aerosmith song to ever reach the top spot on the Billboard chart. The single is also the first and only song by a rock band to debut in the pole position.

In the documentary Heavy: The Story of Metal, the success of the power ballad is lampooned by the very artists that profited from their massive popularity. As the story goes, an 80s album had to include a power ballad to ensure a hit. A band would release a heavy track first, followed by the mellow power ballad. Groups like Warrant and Winger had the power ballad rule down cold. Speaking of Warrant, Jani Lane wrote some of the best lyrics of all time, and his song “Heaven” really is miles above the rest. Nearly two decades after its initial release, the track still has transcendental powers allowing the listener to really understand the emotion behind the song. The lyrics are simple, clean and the accompaniment just as pure.

For this reason, "Heaven" is our official Valentine song obsession of the week. For those of you celebrating an anti-Valentine of sorts, is featuring “Sick Love Song” by Motley Crue. Nikki Sixx knows a few things about bad relationships!

Reader Comments (10)

My favorite power ballad is Dokken's Alone Again.
February 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMetal Mark
I think the Power Ballad is a lost art form.

Damn near every hard rock act in the 80's had one. One of my favorites is Fly to the Angels by Slaughter. ( I think that counts doesn't it?)

BTW...I noticed on your MySpace page that you were in Dayton. Too cool. I'm about 60 miles south of you. LOL!

February 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHard Rock Hideout
Let's not forget, "Still Loving You" by the Scorpions.
February 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterOn My Watch
the BEST glam metal love song EVER is "So tell Me Why"
by Poison, from the Album "Swallow this live".

anyone who reads this should go download it NOW!

it makes me cry when i hear it.. and i dedicate it to my crush Amanda Damron...i love you amanda!
i hope we can be together someday..i promise i'll treat you good and always be there for you :)

i love that song

long live the 80's!

November 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLandon
LANDON...isnt it weird how i find this stuff...haha
November 9, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteramanda D

how the hell did you find this??


November 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLandon
listen here you mother fucker the next time i hear you touching, looking or even writing stuff about her, i'll fucking kick your ass and i don't care how ald you are. just try me you little bitch.
November 12, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjosh (Amandas man
(Allyson...I'm REALLY sorry for getting shit started on your website...)

apparently SOME PEOPLE are just immature.
November 12, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterlandon
landon listen...your a great firend and im sorry about everything that has happened...i mean you did fall for me in a weird way...and im sorry ...... we can still be friends...
April 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda D
wow i cant believe this is still here.....i guess he won and i lost (tear tear tear). and yes i was very upset, but the music i love has helped heal my heart and maybe now i;ll find a girl who has a GOOD taste in men, not some gangster wannabe who treats her like dirt...... ...LONG LIVE THE 80's! and LONG LIVE ROCK N ROLL!!!!
August 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLandon H

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