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Thrift, Thrift Young Horatio

money.jpgYou ever notice commercial images in some of your favorite glam videos?

The best example that comes to mind is in Slaughter's "Up All Night" video.

On the drum kit, the skin reads "This Space for Rent."

During the song, Mark Slaughter sings into a gold microphone. The subtle image brings to mind thoughts of success, money, and decadence.

At one point in the video there's a one second frame of Mark rubbing his fingers together, mimicking the international symbol of money.

Later, many quick images strung together illustrate life in big city America. There's also a quick shot of a woman walking a dog while talking on a cell phone. Remember, this video was shot before every person in the world owned a mobile phone. I'm pretty sure the dog is probably not a mut.

As a side note, bassist Dana Strum and Vinnie Vincent teamed up to host a video show on MTV.

Before forming Slaughter, Mark and bassist Dana Strum were band mates in the Vinnie Vincent Invasion. Dana Strum and Vinnie Vincent were partners and VJs of sorts for MTV. I think it's less than coincidental that future members of Slaughter were involved in one of America's most commercial creations.





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  • Response
    Response: Shiela Shaw
    The manner in which he well knew, if they had got nearly on the head of the Yengeese at all disturbed by conflicting sensations.

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