Take It Sleezy

Ah, Dirty Penny.
Formally known as Antidote, the band recently changed their name because of legal issues. Not long ago, Dirty Penny released their debut effort Take It Sleezy. 12 tracks in total, the album is an exceptionally strong freshman effort from this California based quartet. With the power of Myspace and word of mouth, Dirty Penny entered the JPOT Music contest, and won a spot on the main stage to Rocklahoma. These boys look like Motley Crue in 1984 and in some ways they sound even better.
Take It Sleezy opens with "Midnight Ride," a throwback to classic 80s glam. Strong riffs, screechy vocals, and -yes, a cowbell - mean this song would fit on Motley Crue's debut Too Fast for Love.
Of course, Dirty Penny are a new band, and that means they have a sound all their own. Singer Binge Daniels can play it straight or dirty with his voice, and that's refreshing. While Vains of Jenna frontman Lizzy DeVine is 100% scratchy, Daniels can be smooth when it's necessary. There are times on Take It Sleezy when this is necessary. The boys in Dirty Penny also know how to harmonize. This is first evident on "Hot & Heavy," but exceptionally well executed on the appropriately titled "Scream and Shout." The latter track features all the requisite themes of a great sleaze-glam effort: parental discontent, including the need for a strong father figure. Consider the lyrics: "Check out the papers/Who's number 1?/Oh my goodness, it's your good for nothing son/Look at me now.../Daddy are you proud? (Ahem, Nikki Sixx anyone?)
The best track on Take It Sleezy is "Vendetta." Already the band's calling card, it seems like everyone at Rocklahoma knew the words to this song. This is no small fall feat considering Dirty Penny is an unsigned band. They gained a bit of name recognition during the Crue Fest (Hollywood) last summer. (On August 10, the band will team up with Vains of Jenna, RATT and Poison for a special show in Salinas, California). "Vendetta" features big guitar solos, a sing-a-long chorus and punchy lyrics.
A completely different sound is "Black N' Blue." Here, the band uses a blues-based sound and incorporates Aerosmith-standards like harmonica and fast drum fills. It's a nice change at the mid-point of Take It Sleezy.
Another strong point of Take It Sleezy is "Sleeze Disease." Here, the lyrics tell a coherent story, and the vocals are not buried by electric guitar. The boys also include an acoustic version of this track on the album. The electric version features a strong bass line and a nice drum part.
Dirty Penny are:
Binge Daniels - Vocals
Jonny Prynce - Guitar
Tyno Vincent - Bass
Spanky Savage - Drums
You can purchase Take it Sleezy for only ten bucks at www.dirtypennysucks.com.
Preview tracks at www.myspace.com/dirtypennysucks
Reader Comments (14)
If I could throw the tracks on my iPod, I'd give them a shot. But not today....
I think I am going to have to track their CD down.
Rob Rockitt
Hard Rock Hideout
Dirty Penny need to be signed and put on national radio NOW!!!!!!!!!
I really hope everyone who reads this finds them, orders a CD, and experiences the "Dirty Penny" rush! The first time I saw & heard them was at RocklaHoma, and now I cant get enough...they are the triple threat...look out rock music...Dirty Penny is coming to take the air waves!!!!!!!
Everybody is ranting & raving about "Vendetta" Midnight Ride" "Runnin' Wild" & "Scream & Shout".....How bout the best fuggin' song on the CD that hasn't even got a mention yet "No. 1"....What a KICK AZZ fuggin song & a KICK AZZ fuggin CD!!!
Dirty Penny RAWKS!!!
Bam Bam