It's Britney, Bitch

For one day only this site will move from Glam Metal to Pop Princess. Yes, one day only.
I'm sick and tired of people saying Britney looked fat at Sunday's Video Music Awards. Because I have the enviable job of working in the T.V. news business, I saw her performance. Guess what? It wasn't that damn bad.
I dare any one of you get to up in front of millions of people, wearing a diamond studded bikini and sky-high stiletto heels.
The worst part is mainstream journalists - the elite media - calling Britney fat. Ten seconds later there's a transition wipe and big-haired, ditzy anchor talking about eating disorders among teenage girls. A producer with a better mind than the anchor probably wrote the damn questions and it's both sickening and embarrassing. You know what? I had an eating disorder when I was a teenager. I was terrified of gaining two ounces. It tore my mom apart and Eric and I fought all the time. It's not a good way to live -- and I dare one person to challenge me on this.
While we're talking about it, it's sickening that MSNBC is rearing the entire breaking coverage from September 11, 2001. We all know what happened that morning. We know how that nightmare ends - or never does, depending on your thoughts on President Bush and the illegal Iraq war. Makes me embarrassed to earn a paycheck that way.
Back to Britney.
Let's recap: there will no more trashing Britney on this website. If you leave a nasty comment about her, I'm going to take it as a nasty comment directed at me and it will be erased.
Now, Britney doesn't always do pop songs. She's covered classic rock from time to time. Here's Britney singing "I Love Rock n' Roll." I love her clothes in this video.
Reader Comments (10)
Britney is finding out that when your career is built on media support and not talent, it can just as easily be withdrawn. Although, at the end of the day, a pop queen isn't supposed to be a musician, she's supposed to sing what she's told, dance well, and look hot. Which she certainly achieved.
Bob is right, too. The mark of real music lovers is that they talk about music. If the music is good, who gives a damn what the artist looks like ?
The MSM crap about weight is indeed bullshit, and always has been.
The song itself that she performed, wasn't a bad "dance" song. In a club, that tune would have kept the asses swaying.
BUT performancewise, she wasn't prepared. Her moves were stiff at best. Everyone was saying she looked all drugged out, I think she was frightened as hell. I don't care how many of the music biz people were behind her to succeed that night, MILLIONS were waiting for the trainwreck. It was a bad move to rush her into that performance. The kid still needs some help with all the bullshit she's gone through and is still going through. She was under a microscope and knew it. Her nerves got the best of her and I'm confident she was probably on something for "nerves." ANY of us would have to medicated with the crap that's getting thrown at her.
I hope she gets some help from people that care about HER, not that care about the "Britny" selling machine.
(sorry for the double post...typing errors LOL)
I agree with you on slagging Britney for being "fat." No she's no waif, but face it, she's far from being a spokesperson for Jenny Craig. At worse, she is out of shape.
The song itself that she performed, wasn't a bad "dance" song. In a club, that tune would have kept the asses swaying.
BUT performancewise, she wasn't prepared. Her moves were stiff at best. Everyone was saying she looked all drugged out, I think she was frightened as hell. I don't care how many of the music biz people were behind her to succeed that night, MILLIONS were waiting for the trainwreck. It was a bad move to rush her into that performance. The kid still needs some help with all the bullshit she's gone through and is still going through. She was under a microscope and knew it. Her nerves got the best of her and I'm confident she was probably on something for "nerves." ANY of us would have to medicated with the crap that's getting thrown at her.
I hope she gets some help from people that care about HER, not that care about the "Britney" selling machine.