Less Than a Dollar Glam

I'm broke, people.
The Glam mistress has got no cash. This doesn't stop me from searching for a Glam bargain now and then. I mean, I can usually scrape together a few dollars in case I happen upon a great Glam bargain.
I was in a music shop yesterday, pawing through the music books. A lot of the books were 50% off, but there wasn't anything I wanted...until I saw a Bonham book.
That's right: the music shop had Bonham's The Disregard of Timekeeping. Copyright 1989 thanks to our friends at Hal Leonard.
I grabbed the book instantly. At seven bucks, I figured I was looking at a steal. First off, you know I dig The Disregard of Timekeeping and second, vintage music books go for huge prices on eBay.
When I took my prize to the register, the man behind the counter gave me a funny look.
"Ha!" I thought. "I've owned you and this store with my great value!"
The same smirky clerk then said that since it was Saturday, all the clearance books were going for just a penny a page.
My book cost 79 cents.
I gloated the entire drive home. Glam, I love a bargain.
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