Need for Speed

Most people think country music and NASCAR go hand-in-hand. I say, Glam and NASCAR make a much better fit. I know a lot of Glam fans who also live and die by motorsports. It's no coincidence you hear Glam every Sunday afternoon while watching a race. It's even less of a coincidence that Aerosmith sang a special "show open" before select NASCAR races last season. I bet if you polled drivers, their musical favorites would be an even mix of country and Glam.
It didn't surprise me, then, when I saw a ridiculous Allstate Insurance advertisement featuring Kasey Kahne dancing to "Rock You Like a Hurricane" by the Scorpions. (HurriKAHNE. Get it?!)
Words can't describe. Just watch the clip.
Now tell me: do you have a mutual love of both NASCAR and Glam? I thought so.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, Kahne isn't my driver. I belong to a strictly Earnhardt, Junior family.
Reader Comments (13)
Richmond (VA) has 2 races every year--May and September. The September race was sponsored by Chevy and has been either "Looney Tunes" or "Rock and Roll" 400. Last year they brought out a band--I want to say Buckcherry or some other band flavor of the day--for a free concert the day of qualifying. Nah...but wouldn't it be cool to get a good glam band out there... :)
On a sub-topic, who would you like to see do the National Anthem? (Richmond usually gets someone like a state trooper or a Henrico county officer to do it). I once heard that Kip Winger did the honors for a hockey game (way back when...have to find my notes) so of course he'd be my choice. :)
Been watching Nascar since 1989, but I must admit that I am not into it as much I used to be. Going to a race is far better than watching on TV. I can't explain it, you just have to go.
This weekends races at Bristol though will be highly entertaining. One of the best races of the season IMHO. Lots of wrecks in this little bull ring.
What does Nascar stand for?
It's hillbilly for "nice car".
Just think how great it would be to watch Jeff Gordon cuss out some old bag while trying to get out of the pit area behind her. I suppose they'll have to install a flap for the obligatory middle finger — only on the Cadillacs. You know how cankerous the elderly can be nowadays. Just look at John McCain.
I haven't been to one for a couple of years. It just doesn't hold my attention the way it used to anymore.
Not Another Sport Centered Around Rednecks lol