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I Caved

I caved and decided to pay for bass lessons. In fact, I have my first lesson this morning. Eric is also taking lessons.

Is it ridiculous that I am nervous?

Fear of looking ridiculous kept me away from lessons - but now I'm determined to get serious about my music progress. My husband and I spent good money on our electric instruments for each other. Might as well learn to play them.

I guess there is going to be some sort of after-hours music at Rocklahoma this year. Some people are planning on taking instruments and playing for the masses. I'd never go that far, but I envy the pluck of those willing to jump on stage to bang out a Glam hit or three.

If all goes well, I'll post a follow-up about my lesson. Don't worry: if it is a disaster, you'll hear about that too.



Reader Comments (16)

Hi Allyson..That is awesome you and Eric are taking lessons..Does Eric play guitar or bass?..Before you know it you'll both be shredding..What brands do you both have?.If i remember I think you said a Gibson bass right?..Take care and talk to you soon =)
March 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoe
Good luck Allyson! I started guitar lessons in January after 17 years of wanting to. Not sure why I didn't take the plunge until 33, but I'm glad I did. It's amazing how quickly you pick up the basics. I'm dangerous enough to be able to play Hysteria all ready... yeah, it's basic, but you can tell what it is! So good luck! Don't have any fear. Just do your best and it will all be good!
March 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTyk
I hope the lesson went well, it will take a few to make a real difference tho.

Zakk threw his guitar into the crowd after the show !!!
March 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterchristian
Don't think I would consider taking lessons "caving". Good luck. I'm 36 and am considering picking up a cheap acoustic.
March 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChris
go for it. never stop learning new things in life. i'm 43 and am considering taking bass lessons as well. i've had one for years and it's just collecting dust. now that i have a baby i'd like him to get used to music being played in the house. maybe over time it will rub off on him.
March 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdon
I'm 42 and wishing I'd taken the time to learn stuff, like how to play guitar, write better (oh this is the bane of my existence right now as I go into the edit/rewrite phase of my latest novel), or maybe even other 'little things' in life. Somewhere there is a quote of Kip Winger saying something along the lines that he hoped he never stops learning. He ~still~ takes college music composition classes! So don't feel bad about taking classes or thinking you're going to suck--these things take time. Good luck! :)
March 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChessie
good for you!!!! My husband is a musician (he's a drummer, but he plays everything) and he's offered to teach me...but I feel like I'm too old to learn! (And I'm MUCH older than you!) haha
March 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVicky
Cool! I've been a hack bass player for years. here's my advice -- don't get caught up in all the theory stuff. You can later, but now, the focus should be on just being able to play along with other fellow hacks and have a good time while doing it.

Right now, spend the time to learn the location of the notes on the fretboard. Then, play along with records and just focus on changing chords as the song changes. Go download tabs of these tunes as they'll show you what the actual chord changes are. (sheet music will do the same). In other words, in a song that's G-A-B just ride the G, then the A, then the B.

After a while, you'll start learning that certain notes sound good as bridges between the chords. Add them in as you feel comfortable.

if you can keep up with chord changes and toss in a good passing note or two, you'll be ready to jam and have a great time.

PS: Also -- and this is key -- let out your strap and wear the bass really low. It looks frickin' cool, and really, that's all that matters. ;)
March 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBroJB
I've been playing the guitar for 33 years, since I was 11. Although i can play just about any song in the world now,we all had to start somewhere, and that's usually by taking lessons. I tell every one of my daughters buddies who I teach, you won't be Eddie Van halen in 2 weeks, it takes years of practice. Main thing when learning is, HAVE FUN!

Rock on buddy,
March 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGary
Re: being too old to do it.


I played in my first band at the age of 42. me and some buddies got together, had weekly practices in which we drank beer, busted each other's chops and, once in a while, played songs. We had our grand debut by inviting all our friends to a bar for happy hour and we kicked out the jams. (we played covers of old school punk/garage bands like the Dead Boys, The Sonics, Joy Division and the Sex Pistols) The response was so good we ended up opening for a bunch of other bands who dug what we were doing. We're now in the process of getting back together for our next round of shows.

I look at it this way -- some middle aged guys get together for bowling, others for poker. We got together to rock. You should all be doing the same!
March 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBroJB
I wish you the best of luck with your guitar lessons!
March 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenteraXe mAn
Good luck, Allyson! I'm rather jealous, actually. I need to learn to play bass but I don't know if I can afford bass lessons, and... I haven't cracked open the "Bass Guitar For Dummies" books that I bought, yet.
March 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBonnie
One small step for Allyson, one large step for Glamkind!

The unknown is always scary. I always hated being inside a new situation where it seems that everyone around me knows how the system works and I was the ignorant fool who knows nothing.

What's funny is when you get to the point when things become second nature and you think, "What the hell was I so worried about?" and then you figure out that the system actually sucks and then you go back to college where you enter a new system where you feel like the idiot again, but you know that over time, you'll understand it just in time to enter into a new career where you start from square one once again and by then it becomes a vicious cycle, but hey, it beats dying.
March 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTommy
Good luck!

Throw caution to the wind. Life is short! Rock hard!
March 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
It's not caving if you want to do it, right? Go, Allyson, Go!

I bet you and your husband get a drum machine for each other next year!

New Band!

Call it "Glamallyson"
March 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterValentine
Bass is by far my favorite instrument to play. The deep sounds that erupt from it and the fact that you can feel it vibrate near your pelvis when you hit just the right note amazes me every time. Great choice.

I taught myself to play and enjoy it every day. Try playing Crue's "Generation Swine" on bass. It's so much fun.
March 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKitty

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