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Push Come to Shove

Life is short isn't it? You never quite know what will happen from one day to the next. Yesterday was troubling. I don't want to go into details, but I was clearly reminded about mortality and the fragility of human life. More importantly, I was reminded to live. You'll notice "live" is italicized for rhetorical emphasis. Remember, simply going through the motions isn't living - that is just existing. To live, we have to chase dreams, take risks, go our own way.

Those risks are not always easy and usually not popular.

I think musicians can teach us a lot about risk. I mean, who lives a more dangerous life than a rock musician? They leave their homes, their families, their move across the country and chase a nearly unattainable dream.

Being a writer is nearly as unattainable. Sigh.

I guess that means I need to try a little harder. After all, everyone stared at Motley Crue the first few times they walked down the Sunset Strip in their leather pants and stacked hair. No one is staring now. These days, everyone wishes they had a quarter of Motley's success - both musically and financially.

Have you ever considered a world without Glam? I mean really consider this. What if the Sunset Strip scene never existed? What if there was no Motley Crue, W.A.S.P., RATT, Poison. Can you imagine? Those bands started because at least one person took a crazy risk. They refused to live their life the conventional way.

Sometimes I worry that I am never satisfied with the mundane because maybe I push myself too hard. Of course, if people didn't push themselves we wouldn't have the Internet, iTunes or commercial air travel.

It's sad that money seems to be the one issue that stands in the way of dreams. Let's say money is no object. I'll go one further: let's say you win the lottery today - and now you're an instant millionaire. Would you use that money to pursue a dream?

If I won the lottery today, I would quit my job to build a media empire. That empire would include a record label, magazine, an online presence (duh!) and maybe a cup cake shop. I could tell you more about the cup cakes...but then I would have to kill you.

So, time is up. Tell me your dream. I bet you a dollar to a cup cake, it's music related.

Since this is my website, I feel like posting some random videos that have nothing to do with today's topic. I just happen to be in a Bullet For My Valentine sort of mood.

Here's a clip of the song "Say Goodnight." It's on the new release Scream, Aim, Fire

Now, here's "Waking the Demon." This is another favorite.

Remember when I originally posted about Bullet's Glam roots? I used the song "Hearts Burst Into Fire" as my example. The band now has an official video to support that track. Watch it. Learn it. Love it.

Reader Comments (22)

Wow! First off, I just want to say thanks to everybody. I really enjoyed reading everyone's posts. Very inspiring. What would I do? Well to start with, stop working for "The Man" (Allyson, I know you understand me on THAT one!); then get on my bike and cruise the country for 6 months... no wait, make that a year. Then come back home and re-open "Connections" in Clifton, NJ. Back in the day it used to be Metal Nights" on Tuesdays and Thursdays. How 'bout Metal Night EVERY night?!! Ahh... to dream.
March 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEddieLongHair
i wud tell you my dreams but im afraidtheres way to many to post :(
March 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergypsyscarred

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