Rising Force?

Are you a fan of Yngwie Malmsteen? His guitar playing is unmatched - but I've always been on the fence about his music. Again, I appreciate his talent - but I've never really been drawn to any of his songs.
Actually, I find many of them quite boring.
It's possible I'll be seeing Malmsteen live - he and his band are rumored for the final day of Rocklahoma. Tim "Ripper" Owens is apparently signing for Malmsteen these days. I guess if this happens, I'll be excited. At least it would be a chance to see someone different - because I'm pretty sure I'd never deliberately buy a ticket to see Malmsteen live.
Is it me? Am I missing something? Remember: I am a huge fan of guitar heavy albums. I love just about everything from Van Halen to Avenged Sevenfold when it comes to complex riffs. With Malmsteen - I turn my nose.
Here are some videos featuring Malmsteen and his Rising Force. Maybe I'll learn to love it. Do you?
Here is "Heaven Tonight."
Here is "You Don't Remember."
I feel like I've just revealed a dirty secret: I don't really like Yngwie Malmsteen. Scandal!
Reader Comments (18)
I do however like the songs; Heaven Tonight, You Don't Remember, and some others...He's not one of my favorites though.
"Alcatrazz". "Rising Force" is awful.
Alcatrazz was excellent, but Graham Bonnett was there with a great voice. Graham always made excellent music with legendary/diffcult guitarists: Yngwie, Schenker, Blackmore, Vai.
Yngwie's solo career is spotty. I prefer the early eras with Jeff Scott Soto, Mark Boals, and Joe Lynn Turner.....ODYSSEY is tops of the catalog.
The thing about Yngwie is that he is at his best when he plays WITHIN the song. When he starts wanking and doing his guitar heroics all over the place, it takes away from the song/album. I don't think he's done a great album since FACING THE ANIMAL (1997).
Somehow, I have every Yngwie album.
Heavy Metal Addiction
at the teacher at the guitar seminar i go to every summer told us yngwie guest taught there once and when some young kid asked "mr. malmsteen your wiked good and play really fast....what do you do to practice?" he looked at the kid and yelled "no practice full speed all the time! Next question!"
hahah i know random but i find it jillarious and its one other reason im not into him hes to stuck up a guy.
Thanks for pointing out the typo.
That always summed it up for me, but I did go through an "Yngwie phase" in high school about the same time I discovered Fates Warning & Tony Macalpine.
But I'm with you guys–there has to be a "song."
Look forward to reading more!
Heaven Tonight is probably his best"song" but the solo in "I'll See the Light Tonight" is one of the best ever recorded