Thank You!

A heartfelt thank you for making March 2008 the most successful month in Bring Back Glam! history. I don't check my traffic data every day - but when I logged on to look at my end of month data, I was stunned. I think we're making real progress here. If we keep up this community building, someone - somewhere - will surely take notice. You've made it pretty clear what type of music you love - let's keep the momentum going!
Also, a personal thank-you to all of you who email with tips, ideas, stories and more. I love getting your messages. Friendship is a surprising benefit of this website.
Tell your friends. All we need is a little buzz to Bring Back Glam!
Reader Comments (12)
So thank YOU Allyson!
Keep up the good work. I look forward to your site growing, too... Just don't turn into Metal Sludge. I like the site and have laughed over it many, many times but it's become lame and the gossip board is all about being clique-y and inside jokes...Anyway, I digress... You rock... But then again you already know that.
Where IS my cupcake?? hahahah
Valentine: I'm on Metal Sludge - and I'm seriously the only person who uses a real name. Many of you know I don't believe in aliases. Anyway, I agree about the clique part. I don't get why everyone feels the need to be so mean to everyone else. Metal is underground - but fans usually stick together.
As for the cupcake...I am waiting on Heather to create the ultimate secret batter.
Keep Rockin with Dokken
I politely disagree. While we have become a community here, it was your initial vision (and hard work) that brought us together. So, again, thank you.
Also, although I use the alias, "fletch", it is also my nickname which most people outside of work call me. I've had the "name" for 20+ years. Some people who met me after I was given the name actually believe that it's my real name and when I meet people at concerts and such, I introduce myself as fletch.
A while back, I wrote on that I was at a Poison show last year and a friend from college saw me near the concession stand. I hadn't seen him in years, but was surprised when I heard someone yell, "HEY FLETCH!!!!!!!!!!!"
Thank you Allysonnnn :D
Your news are the Top!!!
*Rocket Queen*