Bret Michaels Excitement

I'm really excited to see Bret Michaels tonight at Rocklahoma. I just received a copy of his greatest hits disc Rock My World and I have to admit I think it's pretty good. I've always loved the song "Raine" so maybe he'll break from the Poison mold a little and add that song to his set.
I see Poison every time they come around my area. This year, that means the tour is rolling into southern Ohio in mid-August. Thing is, I've never actually been to a Bret Michaels solo gig. I mean, I've been to club shows where C.C. DeVille jumps on stage and plays guitar with a house band or something, but that's about as close as it gets.
The Bret solo machine is rolling these days. He's got a lot going for him, thanks to the trash show Rock of Love on Vh1 Classic.
Bret seems to come off as a genuine guy, but he sure does a lot of those pay-to-meet-me sort of gigs. Actually, he's doing one tonight after his Rocklahoma performance - for 100 bucks a head. The event is sold-out, and no I am not going nor did I try to get tickets. I will, however, try to meet Bret in the media tent. For free.
I've heard rumor the rest of Poison will come out for a song or three tonight. I'm not sure I believe that - after all, can we be sure money changed hands or the stage was designed for such an occasion? At any rate, I hope the rumors are true. I think that's the best of both worlds: Bret gets to show off his abilities as a solo artist, and then the members of the band who made him famous get some credit, too.
At any rate, here are a couple of my favorite Bret solo songs. Hopefully I'll land at Rocklahoma in one piece.
Here's "Raine."
Here's "Go That Far." The rap part of this song freaks me out a little...I wonder if he does that live?
Reader Comments (8)
(haha Sorry Allyson. I know you love Poison.)