Too Long?

How long is too long for a music festival? Last year, Rocklahoma started as a three day event and then promoters added an extra "party" day in advance. Those extra bands were mostly cover acts, and the show was sparsely attended. VIP ticket holders were the only ones allowed in the gates.
This year, Rocklahoma once again had the fourth "pre-party" day, this time featuring name acts like Bret Michaels and Sebastian Bach. Once again, Thursday was only open to VIP ticket holders but the line-up for the "free" day was so strong, most made travel plans to allow for Thursday.
A few months before Rocklahoma, promoters announced an extra fifth day that would be free to VIP ticket holders and just 25 dollars at the gate general admission for all others. This "pre-pre" party featured RATT and Jackyl among others. Since I didn't arrive until Thursday, I've had to rely on second-hand accounts about the "pre-pre" show, but it seems just about every band that performed on this day was amazing.
Now, to the question: how long is too long for a music festival?
In theory, I think an extra day makes sense - but in reality, five days is a really long time to endure July heat. I've already read rumors (and I am sure these are 100% conjecture) that Rocklahoma hopes to expand to seven full days! This seems odd to me since one of the ticket agents said Rocklahoma was back to four days next year...but who knows. Since they don't have any acts booked, I guess they can expand to as many days as they wish.
My thought is that it is better to condense the best bands into three days instead of dragging acts out. When people stand in the heat for long periods of time, they get crabby. I can only imagine a tense crowd on the seventh day of a festival in July or August.
What do you think: how long is too long for a rock festival?
Reader Comments (18)
I think the reason why Rocklahoma got so big is that they're trying too hard--there are a lot of good bands out there, and I suppose they had to play with everybody's schedules, which probably explains why the Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp got in on Wednesday. Maybe it's a good idea they're cutting back to four days next year. Maybe they should cut it in half, book one set of acts for May/June, and then do another one in, say, September or so, and limit it to 3 days.
Just thoughts...
So my vote is as many days as possible. I know that the heat sucks and everything, but who cares. The more bands the better. More time to rock. I'm so upset that Rocklahoma is over. The longer the better.
Rocklahoma is a great idea but 5 days is overkill. It's nice to have so much variety with all the bands but wouldn't it be nice to save some for next year?
Heavy Metal Addiction
That's correct, good catch. Originally the pre-party was only for VIP ticket holders, but Catch the Fever opened it up to GA multi-day ticket holders when they added Wednesday.
i will only be 100% satisfied when Rocklahoma lasts one full calendar month! i can't get enough!