Too Drunk...

No, I'm not too drunk to review the Def Leppard/Billy Idol concert I just attended - just too tired. I have a very early meeting but hopefully I can get my review up by mid-morning, so please check back several times throughout the day. In the meantime, watch the new Buckcherry video for "Too Drunk..." I'm still pumped from their performance at Crue Fest. What a show. By the way, Buckcherry's new album Black Butterfly is due out September 16.
Reader Comments (15)
Also stoked about the new Buckcherry, I loved '15'.
Michael, I don't see that happening. I think VR is done. Bring on the GnR reunion ( and Axl is why I'd say forget Sebastian )
But, on the flip side.. "Motherfucker of the Year" isn't the most lyrically compelling song Motley Crue has ever released.. but it's a good song. The crowd sure seemed to love it at Crue Fest. MC certainly has songs that are much better written, but I doubt we will ever hear them live.
I guess it all comes down to mass appeal, and sometimes the masses don't have great taste.
and Crhis Cornell and and Josh Todd will NOT join buckcherry
i Still think Sebastian Bach
Chirsitian VR are not done i'll tell u that
Ozzy lol
Also, i'm extremely jealous of everyone living in America at the moment, because I highly doubt Cruefest will come to Europe, they dont have a very big following here. And after your review, i'm dying to see them, notthat I wasnt already.
P.S. I hate how Time Warner cable lists all these "New Metal" bands as "Metal"!
oh well...
1 week till the new buckcherry cd and i' m def. getting on the first day!
i heard the whole thing on vh1 the leak and it is well........