A Week of Kix (and Friends): Rhino Bucket Videos

Washington, D.C. is just about my favorite city. One of my best friends lives in the District - and I spent hours walking the streets with him. Now my feet hurt and I'm knackered. For now, I leave you with some live performances by Rhino Bucket. As you probably know, Brian Forsythe also plays guitar for this band, thus the Kix connection. After a good night's sleep in the giant bed in my historic hotel -- I hope to write a little more for your Friday.
Here's Rhino Bucket at Rocklahoma 2007. I didn't see this performance and I can't remember why, unless this was on the pre-party day. Whatever the case, it looks like I missed a rocking set!
Also from 2007 - Rhino Bucket in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
Rhino Bucket do sound a lot like AC/DC - but I don't think they are a copy-cat band. I think RB just makes straight rock n' roll - not necessarily Glam, but definitely working class. Thoughts?
Reader Comments (5)
I hope you have a good time at the Kix show Allyson!