High Winds = No XFest = No Power = No Internet

As I write this, it is just after nine at night. I've been home from Baltimore for six hours. I should be watching the headliner at XFest 13 right now - but I'm not. Oh no, severe wind like you wouldn't believe has swept through my area. 100,000 people are without power here in the Dayton, Ohio region. If you don't have power...you don't have cable. In my case, this also means no Internet.
I may snap.
Eric and I stopped to eat before going to XFest. We get to the venue and notice a mass exodus of people. As we were making the several mile drive from the airport to the concert grounds, I noticed the wind was literally picking my car up off the road. Great. Remember Rocklahoma? Remember both side stages collapsing? Yeah, I had visions of that all over again at XFest.
Back to the venue. We get to the festival grounds and see masses of people fleeing the area. Ok, so no one was running for their lives. But you know what I mean. Being the ever-brazen reporter, I fling myself out the car window and inquire what was happening. The show was canceled alright - because of high winds. I tried to get as close to the venue as possible. Both stages seemed to be standing against the massive wind gusts.
Driving home was really fun. Nothing like that sinking feeling where you just know half your house is destroyed by an errant tree. Every street we passed was littered with debris: tree limbs, trunks and plain old garbage. Lots of cars lost battles against trees, too.
In the end, my neighbor's tree was down, blocking the street and some of my sidewalk. I got lucky.
Back to Starbucks. My husband and I drove around for what seemed like ages looking for a place with Wi-Fi. This stop at Starbucks marks the second time I've purchased Internet time for quick access to this website. When I'm queen of the world, free Internet for everyone!
Today was supposed to be a live review with photos of Buckcherry. I'm sorry I couldn't make that happen for your Monday coffee klatsch. This week I'll post a review of the new Buckcherry disc Black Butterfly.
Reader Comments (5)
I was without power for about 22 hours.
You dont realize how much we depend on electricity untill we dont have it!!! Arrgghh!!!